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real-time TS2000 forex chart updates

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  • real-time TS2000 forex chart updates


    Please help. I'd like to find out how to get my TS2000 chart to update in real-time using the esignal data.

    I've downloaded the ActiveX add-in and have loaded historical data. It sounds like from other threads that I would have to use the bid or ask to get tick data. Does anyone know what the 1 min and 5 min bars of made from (bid? ask?)?

    I show that the status on my JPY AO-SPOT symbol is connected and I have esignal running. But it doesn't look like it's being updated and my chart in TS2000 is not updating as well.


  • #2
    The first thing you need to fix is the symbol which should be JPY A0-FX (the 0 is a zero non the letter "o").
    To get the charts to update in real time in TradeStation you need to have 1 Tick Bid Record set up in the History To Save for that symbol (you would do this in GlobalServer). Then using the ActiveX Plugin you can download the historical data for that resolution.
    The reason for 1 Day Trade Record or 1 Minute Trade Record resolutions is to allow for longer term analysis as you would otherwise have to rely on 1 Tick resolution to create all the other compressions. For 1 Minute Trade Record you can download up to a maximum of 120 days while for 1 Day Trade Record you should be able to access approximately 7-10 years. Note that charts based on Trade Records will not update in real time.


    • #3

      Thanks for that! I've been working on this for days. That explains a lot.

      Thanks again,

