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eSignal Plug-in for TS2k not downloading intraday data today

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  • eSignal Plug-in for TS2k not downloading intraday data today

    My eSignal plug-in for TS won't download intraday data this morning.

    Sometimes I can get daily data though. I have two eSignal accounts on seperate machines and neither will download using the plug-in.

    No indication of a problem on eSignal Status page. Anyone else able to get intraday data today?

    My eSignal 7.7 charts load Friday's intraday data ok..... just can't download to TS.

    Last edited by boardman; 11-13-2004, 02:38 AM.

  • #2
    FWIW I seem to be able to get data without any problems.


    • #3
      Ok, problem resolved. I had to uninstall plug-in and 7.7, then install 7.6 (so I could get Text Manager), install plug-in and verify it worked ok, then upgrade again to 7.7. What a pain. Lots of time finding the right combination that worked.


      • #4
        eSignal plug-in not downloading intraday data


        I am encountering the similar problem as you first described.

        When I first installed the plug-in a week ago, everything works just fine: both daily and intraday data can be downloaded without a problem. But now I can only get daily.

        Whenever I try to start intraday data downloading, it only shows "download complete" without even a request to download. I have tried your method to un-install plug-in and eSignal 7.7, then reinstall eSignal 7.6, then plug-in, then w/ or w/o upgrading to 7.7. Still no luck.

        Could you provide more details about how you got this issue resolved? Or does anyone else have a solution?




        • #5
          No data

          Hi Boardman

          I found the dbcabi.dll in Windows/System 32 and renamed it to dbcapi.old. Then I found the dbcabi.dll in the eSignal folder and copied the dbcapi.dll over to the Windows/System32 folder.

          I then run set up wizard once again in Global Server. And then I downloaded data without any problems.

          If you have a lot of stocks in the Global Server symbol portfolio, then try to delete all and insert only the ones you need. Remember to connect the symbols and check that Global Server is not in Offline mode (File, uncheck Work Offline).

          Try to close eventual Firewall and Webwasher.

          Hope this helps.

          Best regards Karl


          • #6
            Hi Chuan,

            Other than rebooting between each install, there's really nothing else I did beyond than what I described. Unless you count pulling my hair out. I assume you're using the Plugin dated 2004-03-23. Maybe Karl's solution will work for you. I know the problem is frustrating, to say the least. Good Luck!



            • #7
              Hi, Karl and Boardman:

              I did what Karl suggested (only the dbcapi.dll part). The plug-in works beautifully after that. Thanks for the advice!



              • #8
                After udate 7.8. i get no intraday data in the global server

                Always "connection faileded".
                I think, i will downgrade. Whre can i download 7.7.?


                • #9
                  FYI I am running 7.8 and the Plugin is working without any problems.

