NLR, Chuan
The error message is caused by the 3 hrs in the Settlement which extend the total session time beyond 24 hours.
Set it to 0 hrs and you will no longer get the error message
Thanks so much for your help. The error message disappeared after I did what you suggested. However, one more problem remains: for e-minis, I do not get the data (when I download) between 4:15 PM up to mid-night (eastern time) no matter I set up a continous 24 hr session or I break it into two sessions. The data from mid-night to market open is fine. Do you have any idea why?
You are most welcome.
With regards to the issue you are having you will need to post some screenshots illustrating the setup of the symbol and specificallly the Settings and Sessions tabs (the latter showing Exchange Times) in Edit Symbol. Without any information it is not possible to determine what the problem could be and/or offer any guidance on how to resolve it. Also in what Time Zone are you located?
To not open a new thread i will post my question here:
what happened with the time settings from esignal?
Since the US shifted to summertime the session breaks on my charts are not correct anymore. I didn't change any of the setting that i use for years now.
Why this sudden problem?
Here are the settings as I believe they should be.
I noticed that you manually set a distant expiration date which makes me assume that you are 'stitching' together various contracts. Rather than doing that you may want to set the Expiration Rule to Pattern 81 which will automatically set the contract to No Expiration (see next screenshot)
You need to revise the Price Scale and Point Value in your Settings tab
The following screenshot shows the Sessions set up for one continuous trading session
Below you can see an intraday chart after a data download using the Plugin