The same problem exist in Uniserver and TS Support at a time just prefered to ignore and not unsering e-mails .
I am hoping that with e-signal it will be different
Actually there are two different types of GlobalServer: with CFOREX exchange and with FOREX exchange. If you have FOREX
then you have to add this exchange into the forex template.
I am not absolutely positive about this but I think that the Service Pack 5 Universe File update adds FOREX to the GlobalServer symbol list.
Uniserver had CFOREX but not FOREX .
The last update of Tradestation 2000i included FOREC isntead of CFOREX .
From the answer of TS support I can see that they included now FOREX in the templet list.
As someone who got very bad service from TS Support and very good service from e-signal . I am hoping now that they will give service according to e-signal standards and not according to their standards.