I have a problem where when I download tick data for ES Z3 I get gaps in some of the data. They are tiny (only a tick or two) but it is irritating especially when the data on the esignal charting with the exact same data feed has no gaps.
I have posted my problem to the omega list forum and I got a reply an Andy at TS-support. He was going to help me but then seemed to vanish...I never heard from him since. So I am attaching the conversation which may illustrate the problem. Also I attached 2 screenshots further illustrating it.
I sure could use anyone's tips. Has anyone else had this minor problem?
<Hi Andy,
I have an idea, let's see if you can duplicate this same problem on your pc with your 2000i. See my attached screenshots.
I have a 3 min chart on both 2000i and esignal charting to illustrate the small but annoying gaps. The data is for Friday 9/12/03 ESZ3.
Here is the difference:
11:12 close=1010.75
11:15 open= 1011.00
11:18 open=1011.75
Esignal charting:
11:09 close=1010.75
11:12 open=1010.75
11:15 open 1011.25
Hi ,
Could you please go to the 'Edit Data' tab, load the data and check if
the data gaps really exist or a chart just doesn't show existing data.
Please let me know the result.
Thank you,
Your TS Support Team
Monday, September 15, 2003, 4:47:25 PM, you wrote:
TH> Hello,
TH> Thanks for your reply.
TH> I agree, this is wierd. I have my settings configured
TH> as default so no problems there. My sessions are
TH> normal.
TH> Any other suggestions?
TH> Thanks,
TH> --- TS Support <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You are right, the Plugin downloads exactly the same
>> data which you
>> plot in eSignal charting. Most probably gaps are
>> caused by the settings of
>> you GlobalServer. Please double click on the ESZ3
>> symbol, go the the
>> 'Sessions' tab and regulate the settings, gaps have
>> to disappear.
>> Please let me know how I could be of a further help.
>> Regards,
>> Andy
>> Monday, September 15, 2003, 1:41:59 AM, you wrote:
>> TH> Hi Compra,
>> TH> I have just tried this new product out today
>> just for
>> TH> off line refreshing. Haven't tried it real time
>> yet.
>> TH> But my experience was kind of odd. I downloaded
>> the
>> TH> ESZ3 tic data and I got a few gaps in the data.
>> But
>> TH> yet when I pulled up the esignal charting
>> program to
>> TH> compare, of course their charts showed no gaps.
>> Yet
>> TH> both the active x addon and the esignal charting
>> were
>> TH> getting data from the same source and same data
>> base.
>> TH> This didn't make sense. So I am still
>> experimenting
>> TH> with this to see how I can resolve this.
>> TH> <Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 01:10:56 +0000
>> TH> From: "Compra dun" <[email protected]>
>> TH> To: [email protected]
>> TH> Subject: Esig GS 2000i plug in - Active X
>> TH> Plain Text Attachment [ Save to my Yahoo!
>> Briefcase |
>> TH> Download File ]
>> TH> what has the experience with esignal's active x
>> global
>> TH> server plug in
>> TH> been?
>> TH> All comments appreciated.
>> TH> I noticed that there seems to be a problem with
>> TH> volume. There is a
>> TH> forum for
>> TH> this on the esig forums.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> TS
>> mailto
[email protected]
TH> __________________________________
TH> Do you Yahoo!?
TH> Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
TH> http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com
Best regards,
TS mailto
[email protected]
I have a problem where when I download tick data for ES Z3 I get gaps in some of the data. They are tiny (only a tick or two) but it is irritating especially when the data on the esignal charting with the exact same data feed has no gaps.
I have posted my problem to the omega list forum and I got a reply an Andy at TS-support. He was going to help me but then seemed to vanish...I never heard from him since. So I am attaching the conversation which may illustrate the problem. Also I attached 2 screenshots further illustrating it.
I sure could use anyone's tips. Has anyone else had this minor problem?
<Hi Andy,
I have an idea, let's see if you can duplicate this same problem on your pc with your 2000i. See my attached screenshots.
I have a 3 min chart on both 2000i and esignal charting to illustrate the small but annoying gaps. The data is for Friday 9/12/03 ESZ3.
Here is the difference:
11:12 close=1010.75
11:15 open= 1011.00
11:18 open=1011.75
Esignal charting:
11:09 close=1010.75
11:12 open=1010.75
11:15 open 1011.25
Hi ,
Could you please go to the 'Edit Data' tab, load the data and check if
the data gaps really exist or a chart just doesn't show existing data.
Please let me know the result.
Thank you,
Your TS Support Team
Monday, September 15, 2003, 4:47:25 PM, you wrote:
TH> Hello,
TH> Thanks for your reply.
TH> I agree, this is wierd. I have my settings configured
TH> as default so no problems there. My sessions are
TH> normal.
TH> Any other suggestions?
TH> Thanks,
TH> --- TS Support <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You are right, the Plugin downloads exactly the same
>> data which you
>> plot in eSignal charting. Most probably gaps are
>> caused by the settings of
>> you GlobalServer. Please double click on the ESZ3
>> symbol, go the the
>> 'Sessions' tab and regulate the settings, gaps have
>> to disappear.
>> Please let me know how I could be of a further help.
>> Regards,
>> Andy
>> Monday, September 15, 2003, 1:41:59 AM, you wrote:
>> TH> Hi Compra,
>> TH> I have just tried this new product out today
>> just for
>> TH> off line refreshing. Haven't tried it real time
>> yet.
>> TH> But my experience was kind of odd. I downloaded
>> the
>> TH> ESZ3 tic data and I got a few gaps in the data.
>> But
>> TH> yet when I pulled up the esignal charting
>> program to
>> TH> compare, of course their charts showed no gaps.
>> Yet
>> TH> both the active x addon and the esignal charting
>> were
>> TH> getting data from the same source and same data
>> base.
>> TH> This didn't make sense. So I am still
>> experimenting
>> TH> with this to see how I can resolve this.
>> TH> <Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 01:10:56 +0000
>> TH> From: "Compra dun" <[email protected]>
>> TH> To: [email protected]
>> TH> Subject: Esig GS 2000i plug in - Active X
>> TH> Plain Text Attachment [ Save to my Yahoo!
>> Briefcase |
>> TH> Download File ]
>> TH> what has the experience with esignal's active x
>> global
>> TH> server plug in
>> TH> been?
>> TH> All comments appreciated.
>> TH> I noticed that there seems to be a problem with
>> TH> volume. There is a
>> TH> forum for
>> TH> this on the esig forums.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> TS
>> mailto

TH> __________________________________
TH> Do you Yahoo!?
TH> Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
TH> http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com
Best regards,
TS mailto
