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TS2000 Plug-in

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  • TS2000 Plug-in

    I use the esignal to TS 2000 plugin and have some data download problems with tick data.

    I close the TS/Global Server application after the market close. The next day I boot the combination with the data disconnected.
    I then download the tick data for the ES, NQ, and YM emini tick data from the prior day to the present day.

    I do not get all the data. Many times the data is missing a chunk of the prior day at some point. The only way I have found to get all the data properly is to delete the prior days data and then download once again the prior day and up to the current day/time.

    I have not had this problem with periods data, ie 1 minute data.

    Am I the only one experiencing this problem?

    RTS Trading

  • #2
    Possible Fix!

    In my prior post I noted a problem when downloading tick data for multiple markets, in this case, the NQ, ES and YM. Tick data downloaded from the prior day to the current time would often not store properly.


    I now download just one symbol at a time. This works!
    I have not lost any tick data and the prior day gets updated right up to the current time.

    It now is clear that the time that the esignal downloader gives between downloading, and storing between symbols is not sufficient without causing storing problems.

    esignal, hope you can have this problem corrected.

    Thanks in advance,

    RTS Trading


    • #3

      Thanks for the heads-up. I'll pass this along to the developers and QA Team to look at further.
      Jay F.
      Product Manager
      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


      • #4

        How do I get esig active x plugin to download volume into esig so that TS recognizes it? It only downloads total volume. It doesn't plot total volume like it normally does.


        • #5
          Put a check mark in Use Up Volume as Total Volume.
          ActiveX is actually downloading the Volume and places it in the Total Volume field but for some reason TS will not plot it intraday other than as a sum of Up Volume and Down Volume.
          This way by placing it in the Up Volume field you are now making it available to TS2k


          • #6
            esignal data load into ts2000i

            I downloaded the active x plugin for ts200i. I installed it as directed. Now I want to download end of day data for all U.S. stocks into ts2000i. When I list stocks, it finds only 31 symbols. When I try to insert symbol collection template, it asks me for filter, but this button is grayed out and does not allow me to specify it. Can anyone help me to do this simple task of downloading end of day stock data?


            • #7
              ActiveX will only download symbols that you have already inserted in GlobalServer.
              The reason it finds only 31 stocks could be because those are the only ones you have in GlobalServer currently.
              Symbol Collection Templates are not available with internet based data providers (see Help->Answer Wizard for more information on this).
              To add symbls to GlobalServer you will need to go through the routine of Insert->Symbol->Add from Dictionary, select an Exchange, Find All Symbols for that Exchange then select them all and Add.
              One thing I would do prior to going through that routine is to make sure the Exchange defaults (Tools->Edit Exchange List) ie. Price Scale, Big Point Value, Min Movement, Session Times, etc are currently valid values. You may find in fact that the Minimum Movement is still expressed in 1/8ths ie 125. Not editing the defaults for an exchange at this point may mean that you will have to go through those symbol by symbol individually.
              Hope this helps


              • #8

                Thank you very much for your helpful reply. It looks like it is right on. At the risk of sounding stupid, what are the minimum movement, big point value , daily limit, and price scale settings supposed to be?

                Thank you again for your help.



                • #9
                  I don't trade stocks but I think Price Scale is 1/100 Big Point Value is 1 Min Movement is 1. As to Limit I have no idea. Also make sure the Session Settings are correct for each Exchange
                  Hope this helps

