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Screen refreshing with every tick

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  • Screen refreshing with every tick


    I have installed the eSignal/TS2000i plugin which replaces the FutureSource Data feed which I had been using for the last year or so.

    While the downloading of historical data and the collection of realtime data seems to work well, I do have a problem with the charts in TS2000i REFRESHING with every new tick. This causes any strategy that has active orders open in the Tracking Center to refresh as well, which then triggers the "pop-up" notification window (and sound) with every tick.

    Dose someone have a solution to stop the chart refreshing with every tick?

    thanks for your help (in advance)


  • #2
    Hi Ross,

    TS2000i has long been compatible with eSignal for streaming RT data so the new plugin is just to enable access to our intraday and history databases. I have not heard of a refresh issue w/in TS2000i so if other users have, hopefully they'll chime in here.

    You might want to check out this FAQ which also contains a link to Omega's site and the set-up of TS2000i and eSignal together. I'd review that information to make sure your set-up is OK. Also a good idea to make sure eSignal itself is working OK and getting updates.



    • #3
      Hi Scott,

      thanks for your reply.

      Over the last day I have tried everything I could think of in the settings that might effect it. (I have been using TradeStation for a few years, so I know my way around quite well). I have gone back to a clean installation several times (via Norton Ghost) and tried again with the same results.

      The 2 symbols that I am haveing the refresh problem are the;
      HSI X3-HKF (Hang Seng Index Futures, HKFE), and the
      NI Z3-SI (Nikkei225 Index Futures, SIMEX).

      When I bring up a 5min chart of the DAX, EStoxx50 or any of the E-minis (ES Z3) I don't get the same problem.

      If I open the workspace that I use with the HSI (which refreshes with every tick) and simply edit the symbol and change it to any other symbol, leaving all strategies and indicators the same, the refreshing problem stops.

      If I close all workspaces and only open a single chart with HSI X3-HKF or NI Z3-SI, nothing else on it, the refreshing starts again.

      If I open up any other symbol, it all works fine??????

      Can you try the HSI X3-HKF and see if you get the same result?




      • #4
        I can replicate the screen refresh on every tick with both the symbols you mention if I set them up in GlobalServer as Futures. If instead I set them up as Indexes the refresh disappears.

        The screen refresh issue is a well documented GlobalServer problem with electronically traded futures when using eSignal as the data feed. It has to do with GlobalServer not expecting to see trade volume coming from the feed when this Category is used.

        The best known solution is to set these symbols up as Indexes (or Stocks).
        You can very easily try this by temporarily changing the symbol name of NI Z3-SI to for example NI Z3 then setting up a new NI Z3-SI symbol as Index.
        Should you need any instructions you can find a document explaining the procedure by clicking here

        Having said all the above what I fail to understand is why you are not seeing this same problem with all the other electronically traded futures such as ES and NQ.
        Just out of curiosity when you switched feeds did you run the Setup Wizard?

        Anyhow try setting up either symbol as an Index and let me know if you are seeing the same problem.


        • #5
          Hi Alex,

          thanks for your reply.

          At leat I now Know that its not just a problem with mine.

          I actually set up the HSI X3-HKF as an Index for todays trading and it has been working great all morning. No problems. :-) (I had previously read the post about the emini set-up and thought I would give it a try while waiting).

          I was also a bit of a supprized to see the ES and NQ work fine when the others didn't. When I installed eSignal and the plug-in I don't think I ran the Global Server set-up as it all seemed OK. The "download from eSignal" and "DBC Online" were both where they should be.

          The only down side is the importing of all my historical tick data (3 years worth).
          I found this web site

          which has some free tools to export XPO to ASCII and then back to XPO to get over the Future/Index data transfer problem. (I have not transferred the data yet, but the tool works great, so the plan should work...

          The tools are free, you only have to register them and they email you the activation key. Easy...

          thanks for your help again,


          Last edited by rosslaidlaw; 11-06-2003, 07:32 PM.


          • #6
            Hello Alex,

            I downloaded the instruction, but can`t open it. It is a jsp file? Java file? What program do I need to read the file?

            Best wishes, Uli

            Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro

            Should you need any instructions you can find a document explaining the procedure by clicking here



            • #7
              No it is in HTML format. It seems that your browser is saving the file with a jsp extension. Try renaming it using mht as the extension.


              • #8
                Hello Alx,

                thanks for the quick response. Indeed, my browser changed the file ending to .jsp; strange.

                No I can read it and hope, that your workaround will solve my lagging tick chart problem. My 144/550 E-Mini tick charts are lagging minutes behind realtime, when the volume ist high.

                Best wishes, Uli

                Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro
                No it is in HTML format. It seems that your browser is saving the file with a jsp extension. Try renaming it using mht as the extension.


                • #9
                  EVERY TICK REFRESH

                  hello Alexis,

                  Today, I try my indicators on Futur DAX (AX Z3-DT) and I can see all studies and indicator refresh every ticks ! from the begining and not only on the last bar.

                  I try to change this symbol as index but it's not working...

                  Any solutions ?



                  • #10
                    You cannot change an existing symbol from one Category to another. It has to be set up from scratch under the Category you want.
                    What you would need to do at this point would be to first back up your AX Z3-DT data (using the Export Tool) then rename that symbol temporarily to AX Z3 (for example) so that you can go back to using it if needed.
                    Once you have done the above Insert a new symbol AX Z3-DT as an Index (or Stock) following the instructions in the HTML document called Setting up ES as Stock or Index.mht which is available here
                    Hope this helps

