5 years of historical data refers to daily data only. Intraday data is limited to 60 days (this should be soon increased to 120 days if not already available).
I was made aware that the 120 days of history problem is now fixed. BUT it is only available for eSignal in the adavanced charts and not for tradestation. I have had many support people tell me that is was going to be made available for tradestation aswell. What is the final verdict?
Will they be working on a way to have this data sent to tradestation aswell?
(Heaven knows we are dying to have the 120 days aswell)
I was made aware that the 120 days of history problem is now fixed. BUT it is only available for eSignal in the adavanced charts and not for tradestation. I have had many support people tell me that is was going to be made available for tradestation aswell. What is the final verdict?
Will they be working on a way to have this data sent to tradestation aswell?
(Heaven knows we are dying to have the 120 days aswell)
Please and Thank-you
Initially the plan was to allow the the full 120 days of intraday data history to be accessible in Advanced Charting only. Once we made sure our servers were processing and handling the extra load, we'd make a change on the server end for 3p's. Over the hoildays, we ran into a series of problems on our tick servers that prevented us from moving forward with our plan. Now that the tick servers are stable again, you'll likely see us allow 3p's to access the 120 days w/in another 2-4 weeks.
100% of esignal's customers need history data to test there systems. Whether it be simple daytrading systems to longer term trading systems. Your customers need history data.
When will I be able to access the 120 days of data?
When will you extend that?
Why do you not sell the data on CD?
Do you not agree that you should provide access to the data you have stored on your servers to your customers one way or another?
Please tell me if you know of some company that offers the forex history data (tick) further back than a couple of months.