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activex plugin limitations

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  • activex plugin limitations

    Does anyone know of any limitations in downloading specific historical data with esignal activex plugin.

    Is there any other documentation other than the helpfile installed during setup?

    I have posted a query about FTSE sector indices not being able to be downloaded, but haven't got any replies.
    I need to know if this plugin supports ALL historical data or should I be using any other third party utillity i.e. Hypertools etc. to try to overcome it's limitations.

    I need to do some backtesting on historical data before going live to market!

    Will the plugin ever be updated to more fully support international markets?

    I would appreciate your assistance.

  • #2
    If you could post the Start/End Session times for one of the FTSE indices you want to download I can try and set it up in GlobalServer.
    With regards to the FTSE indices the limitation is not in the Plugin - as far as I understand it - but in GlobalServer that does not list the exchange.


    • #3
      activex plugin limitations...

      Start/End Session times...

      one such symbol in Globalserver is $UB04-FTSE (FTSE 350(MINING(GRP), exchange is FTSE which tallies with esignal symbol list. Sessions are Mon-Fri 9:30-15:30 exchange traded time.

      the following symbol/exchange labels have no problems...


      In fact the realtime feed for the FTSE sector indices is fine, it's just that the esignal activex plugin does not recognise FTSE as an available exchange for the category index (or any other category for that matter), necessary to download historical tick, intraday & daily data.

      Thanks for any help.


      • #4
        What exchange did you select for $UB04-FTSE in GlobalServer?
        As FTSE is not listed among GlobalServer's exchanges you may want to select for example LIFFE, LCE or FOX given that they are in the same time zone and have similar session times.
        Once you have done that you need to make sure that the exchange you selected is included in the list of Used Exchanges of the ActiveX Plugin for that Category (for more information on how to do this see the Help files or the Setup Guide for eSignal ActiveX Plugin for TS2000i.mht which is available here).
        At that point ActiveX Plugin should recognize the symbol and include it in the list of Symbols to Download (see images below).


        • #5

          Changing the exchange to LIFFE from FTSE worked!

