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Forex Download Hanging

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  • Forex Download Hanging

    I have a problem when trying to download Forex data...It stalls at the 5th of January '04...message says:

    'requesting 1 minute data for EUR A0-FX'

    and it just stays that way...

    I've been able to download tick data, daily data, etc...and plot them but so far I've only been able to download a couple of weeks worth of minute data....

    Any help would be appreciated!


  • #2
    Download blues

    Has anybody encountered any strangeness when trying to download 1 minute trade data for the forex mkt...???



    • #3
      Just checking here but can you confirm you have the set-up done as is described in this thread?



      • #4
        Hi Scott,

        Yea...spent the better part of the weekend going through the various threads in this forum describing the setup.

        Where I'm at:

        I can download tick data and display it no problems...

        I can download the daily data and display it no problems

        When I go to request the 1 minute data I get "Requesting 1 Minute Data for EUR A0-FX" and it just sits there doing nothing...I can't figure it out....I'm currently trying it for CAD and same issue.

        As I understood all the various threads, I only need to have setup the Trade Record for 1 Minute data in order to collect 1 Minute data correct?

        It seemed that the majority of issues centered on the collection of tick data and displaying it.


        Scott I was just able to download 1 minute data for EUR A0-FX for the 11-17 Jan 2004. I then try to download the 18-24 of Jan and nothing occurs. The issues seems quite random. Sometimes it has allowed me to downoad one weeks worth of data, but never has it allowed me to download 3 months worth of data...
        Last edited by arvane; 01-27-2004, 08:49 AM.


        • #5
          Hi All,

          I am completely new at the TS 2000i world. I've just got it. And I've got the eSignal 7.5 Real Time for NYSE, NASDAQ and FOREX. After several attempts OF TS 2000i installation I finally got data for stocks and indices imported from CD, downloaded from eSignal, plotted in my TS and running in real time except FOREX.
          I have pretty much the same problem: wille downloading 1 min EUR I was unsuccessful, feather more, I have downloaded Trade Record Daily historical and 5 min intraday! historical data and have found it physically existing in the Global Server by clicking on edit symbol then edit data then load data with in the symbol Porfolio, but could plot only Daily data not the 5 min. When trying to switch for 5 min(intaday) I've got a message "no data available for the selected time range". Then I tried to do this: "

          "Just checking here but can you confirm you have the set-up done as is described in this thread:
          Thanks Scott

          I could download tick data too. But two things happened: I could not plot it first and it takes a lot of time for computer to proses it because only for 1day worth of data it receives about 60000 point to proses.
          And I can not also figure out why I am not getting any real time data for FOREX wile I am getting it for stocks.

          Any Help,
          Thanks A LLLot


          • #6

            While we're not sure what's causing this for some users, we are looking into this Forex interval issue and once we have some information to report, we'll post an update. If anyone comes across a solution or additional details, please add to this thread.



            • #7

              Looks like the TS2000i plugin will need some coding changes to alter how it makes requests for large segments of data. We've been in touch with the programmers and we could have a new version ready within a week.

              On the upside, there's been a new version of the plug-in in the works for a while that is working better than ever connecting TS2000i to eSignal's history servers. The coding changes will be made to the latest beta plug-in version so users will get both the fix and several enhancements.

              Once it's ready to go, we'll post on this Forum and list the enhancements.



              • #8

                Finally I've got it all right. Everything is working just fine.
                Those FOREX specifics are really interesting. That's right only Tick Record is all we need. There is actually a list of templates in the Global Server, when you inserting a symbol in the porpholio, and one of them is the FOREX History Template. I even added a daily Trading Record to the list. But a chart created out of daily Trading Record for FOREX does not updates in real time. Only Tick Record does. It takes a lot of time though to download all the ticks, but there is a new plugin coming.
                Thanks guys

                Proud owner of TS 2000i and very happy eSignal customer


                • #9
                  Hi Larry,

                  I've downloaded daily trade record data and it updates fine in real time on the chart.



                  • #10

                    There is one more tweak I"ve got hear. My TS stops to display intraday real time FOREX data on charts at 3:01pm (I am at PST zone) and when I try to reload it skips all the data up to the moment when I restart, or if I try to switch to a different time horizon. It needs the session time adjustment in the Global Server or some where else may be. I've tried deferent setups but could not figure it out.
                    What is the right way. Could anybody help?
                    I think it must be the exact setup. Those two screens in the Global Server: Edit Exchange list and when you edit a symbol in the symbol porfolio are puzzles to me. How many Session actually FOREX has?
                    And also everything gets back in perfect order at 12:01pm.



                    • #11

                      I've posted my setup in the spot Euro FX...this works for me..I'm central time.

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Hi James,

                        Thanks for reply, but it does not work. I have tried all kinds of time
                        setups here but it does not change a thing. All the same: stops at 3:00pm (my time- PST) and and gets back normal at 12:01am. It must be some sort of default somewhere inside the program.
                        Any thoughts?


                        • #13

                          Can you confirm by looking under the edit data tab (field resolution of 1 tick) in the global server whether or not the server has actually collected the data?

                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            When it is 3:00 pm Local Time what time does it show on the chart if you were to select Exchange Time in Format Symbol?
                            If it shows 12:00 am (or later) then the reason why it hangs could be because the Last Date in Format Symbol is one day behind that of the Exchange. Once you get to Local Time 12:01 the Last Date then matches.
                            One solution is to force the Last Date in Format Symbol when setting up/opening the chart. Another solution is to set the Offset of the Exchange (in Tools->Edit Exchanges) to that of Local Time which in your case would be -480.


                            • #15
                              Hey all,

                              Yes it's working fine now. Thanks Alexis. The solution is so simple I could not believe it. All the manipulations with Exchange hours did not do anything. All it needed is to forse one in the Last Day space in the the chart setup screen.

                              Thanks to All,

