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Globalserver hangup

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  • Globalserver hangup

    I tried to download daily data on 43 stocks, and received an error that shut down Globalserver. The error had to do with bad data with a particular stock, but I thought it would just continue after I cleared it. Instead, Globalserver shut down.

    I tried to start Globalserver again, and it will only get half way through the Event Log Tab before not responding anymore. Have to use the Task manager to close it.

    I did get a 'bad hard drive' error in the middle of this, so defragmented the drive.

    I then reloaded the Globalserver from the CD, which went without much incident (did have bmi.dll file that wouldn't load, but I use esignal, so shouldn't be a problem). On the last startup, win2k checked all files/folders and free space and it corrected a bad cluster associated with the bmi.dll file. No other problems were documented.

    Anyway, any help with getting Globalserver back up would be appreciated.

  • #2

    Further to last post, the Event Log Tab stopped, so I went to the task manager and it said 'not responding'. Little did I know that if I let it alone, eventually it WOULD respond LOL.

    Anyway, while typing so assiduously to you'all, the Globalserver came up after all.

    Not to interested in trying this again to see what the error was though, and I'm not sure what caused all of this in the first place.

    Any ideas?




    • #3
      What you saw was GlobalServer reindexing the data. GlobalServer will do this whenever it suffers a crash and in the process it actually appears to be frozen and non responsive. Usually, the best course of action after a crash is to reboot the PC then start GlobalServer (preferably in Offline Mode) and just let it run its course. Depending on the amount of data this can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.
      As to what may have caused the crash the reasons can be many. Irrespective I would suggest that you perform some file maintenance routines on GlobalServer. One of these procedures is explained in a document called TS2k - Reducing data files size.mht which is available here. Although the document addresses a slightly different issue the procedure will actually help in cleaning up your GlobalServer files even if you are not deleting any data.
      Hope this helps


      • #4
        Re: Reply to post 'Globalserver hangup'

        Sorry to be so late in responding ..... the ice has played havoc with our

        Thanks very much for the information ....... added greatly to my
        understanding of Globalserver. It's working fine again. Next time I'll
        record the error so I can speak a little more intelligently.

        Thanks again,

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: <[email protected]>
        To: <[email protected]>
        Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 10:35 PM
        Subject: Reply to post 'Globalserver hangup'

        > Hello phlsti,
        > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

