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  • #16
    Re: EFS Functions


    How shall I trade with an efs system when I can´t find the proper funtioncs to trade with IB?
    I would suggest that you begin by learning how to program in efs.
    The best way to start doing that is by reviewing the JavaScript for EFS video series which will provide you with a thorough introduction to JavaScript that is at the foundation of efs. Once you have done that then I would suggest going through the Help Guides and Tutorials that are available in the EFS KnowledgeBase which will provide you with the information specific to efs.
    If on the other hand you are not interested in learning or don't have the time and this (or other) script(s) are important to your trading then I would suggest that you contact one of the EFS Consultants and have them develop the script(s) for you.

    Originally posted by mautz
    I have read through the EFS funcitons but I can´t find things like bRealTime .

    How shall I trade with an efs system when I can´t find the proper funtioncs to trade with IB?


    • #17


      On my posted EFS file I want to make a green bar if the system is long and a red bar if the system is short.

      I´ve tried now several things but I can´t come to an end.

      Can you help?

      Many thanks in advance.

