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TWS Error: 203; "USD" is not available... for this account... (with attachment)

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  • TWS Error: 203; "USD" is not available... for this account... (with attachment)

    Sorry the previous post was missing the attachment.

    QT with IB - Having a problem to trigger trades for USD;CASH;JPY;IDEALPRO; from QT. When I try to trade this FX from QT I get a small QT dialig that says "unspecified error" and "TWS Error: 203; USD is not available or allowed for this account" in QT Messages. I do have both JPY and USD in the account. Stocks work ok from QT. When I trade this FX from TWS, QT reports the trades properly. Also, I should report that when alternating trying trades from QT and TWS, QT did produced some "TWS Error: 102; Duplicate order id".

    Any ideas?

    Atttached are some screen shots that may help.

    Attached Files

  • #2

    Hi Gary,

    Thank you for your post.
    I was able to receive quotes and trade JPY, but only when using IDEAL (IDEALPRO wasn't a quote or routing option,
    at least with my account).

    Let me know if your successful after following these steps (instructions)




    • #3
      Re: JPY

      Thanks for your reply. I was able to map JPY;CASH;USD;IDEAL as you suggested. It's inverted but you can still trade that way with IB. Oddly though I was not able to trade it from QT. Same errors as in previous post. Maybe my QT install is just hosed up. I'll try an uninstall/reinstall.

      However, ther is more to look at regarding QT's handling of IDEAL and IDEALPRO. Please refer to the attached jpg and below.

      We must be able to map: USD;CASH;JPY;IDEALPRO; to trade fx cash, because IDEALPRO offers tighter spreads.
      If you intend QT to accomidate IB budgit transactions then we also need USD;CASH;JPY;IDEAL; and JPY;CASH;USD;IDEAL.
      With IB Universal-Account, at some point you need to convert the P&L results of trades in non-base-currency back to your base-currency, thus IB offers the IDEAL-exchange to swap budgets around. IDEAL-exchange is meant for budget-conversions only. For real-Forex trading you mostly use IDEALPRO, which has good spreads (1 to 2 pips) but can only be used for trades larger than 25,000 USD. IDEAL is for smaller budget swaps, otherwise there is no fundamental difference between IDEAL and IDEALPRO: both will swap currencies in your base and non-base budgets.

      Sorry if I've missed something in my QT configuration. I'll uninstall and reinstall and try again one more time.

      Attached Files


      • #4

        I noticed a similiar sutuation for every other Currency Pair except EUR and GBP.

        I also have and IDEALPRO FX trading account and need to be able to map in addition to JPY, CHF, CAD, AUD, EURJPY, and NZD without inverting the normal price displayed on a chart or using IDEAL.

        As mentioned the IDEALPRO is the exchange used for FX trading and trading an inverted price although technically possible make no sense as does using IDEAL as the spreads seem intended for something other then trading.

        Any idea why IDEALPRO isn't listed on these currency pairs?
        Last edited by demarcog; 02-09-2007, 06:36 PM.
        Glen Demarco
        [email protected]


        • #5
          those "pairs" don't exist - that's why you can't map them!

          they exist on IDEAL purely for the sake of currency exchange, not trading.

