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bad prints and backfill

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  • bad prints and backfill

    how do you go about removing a 'bad print' / spike in
    the data? that can really screw up the charts.

    if you could set qt charts to not rescale every time
    a new bar is finished, then that's less of an issue
    (but still an issue).

    I have mbtrading data, and I have seen mention of
    future backfill support (unscheduled I believe).
    why can't something like backfill be

  • #2
    Currently QuoteTrader doesn't support bad tick filtration, i've asked our manager if we're going to support this feature. You may uncheck 'Scale' button so chart won't rescale on every tick.

    MBTrading backfill is long awaited feature and it will be supported in QuoteTrader as soon as it will be implemented and we get documentation on it. Guys from MBT said it's "almost completed".

    I'll contact our manager to clarify if we're going to support other backfill sources like

    As to your question from your mail regarding help file - yes, it's quite out-dated. Tick charts isn't supported in QuoteTrader. We will be working on improving our help file.
    Last edited by eSignal_AlexM; 03-10-2008, 01:05 AM.


    • #3
      amol, thank you for your detailed response.

      however, I cannot get the scale button to work as
      I need;

      - with it checked, the chart will re-scale in realtime
      as new tick data comes in or the chart is drug back
      and forth with the pointer.

      - with it unchecked, it still rescales when a new bar
      is started, such as every 5m bar. this is what I need
      someway to stop.

      I am trying to trade from the charts, you have nice
      functionality here, but you can't do that if the chart
      is frequently rescaling. the only way I can use it now
      is to set it to 30m time bars and then only worry about
      it screwing me up about 14 times a day, but I really need
      a shorter timeframe.


      • #4
        Yep, fully agree. We will think what can be done. Most probably will be resolved in April's release.

