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eSignal Broker PlugIn Support policy

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  • eSignal Broker PlugIn Support policy

    Can you please tell me what eSignal's support policy is on the Broker Plugins you supply?

    Thank you

  • #2
    While not formally defined, we'll help you download the plug-in and help you make it operational. Questions about trade types, execution orders, trading account issues, etc should all be directed to your broker.



    • #3
      Ongoing IB plugin issues

      I notice that there are a few threads detailing ongoing issues with the IB plugin that have not been answered for up to 23 days. eg

      Will this issue be resolved or is it just a given?


      • #4
        Our software platform is progressive, meaning we don't maintain previous versions but rather only make changes to the current version. As such, our system requirements have increased to help handle the increasing market activity.

        I hope you'll strongly consider upgrading to a new system. Prices have come way down so you can easily meet the new specs by spending somewhere in the $700 range.



        • #5
          I am running a top end system.

          The link i additionally should have included is

          Like Sebastian I also made the mistake of upgrading to the new plugin. Like Sebastian the new plugin ridiculously expects me to map out new symbols with routing which it has never needed before. The is no option to select SMART routing as default and even when trying to map out symbols the search function does not recognize EBAY.

          None of the previous plugins have had this issue.

          As sebastian asked on 10-30-2008 "Is there a workaround for this issue?


          • #6
            Hello Patch,

            IB Automapping in probably one of the better plug in when it comes to equities. Because of the different forumating for Futures mapping is required. I'm working with build 1354 and the eSignal 10.2 with this build I think they have done a good job of correcting some of the issues with mapping even the futures.

            An option for automap is to use the windows linking. If you're using a quote window linked it to a trade manager window. Each time you click on the a symbol in the quote window it will automap that symbol for the Trade Manager window and the chart.

            If you not running the most recent plug in I have included it here.

            eSignal Support


            • #7

              Originally posted by simonnallen
              I've noticed the latest IB plugin Version 1.2.1354.883 does not use SMART even when this is set as the default, i.e. it still pops up asking where to route.

              Also in all the previous and current IB pluging LMT order types do not work. the order appears in IB as untransmitted and will not transmit. Works fine with stop and mkt orders

              My order button has the following settings
              Place order, Buy, Limit, Last, fixed qty 500,

              Hope someone can help and does anyone have the link to older versions of the plugin that work.

              Would be nice if eSignal actually tested these Plugins.


