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IB plugin

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  • #16

    One suggestion and request. I see no visual indication for whether or no the IB plugin is connected or disconnected. A nice shiny GREEN spot when connected would be keen.

    Also, is there anyway to check connectivity within efs? If you provided that then we could take care of the connected sign. I.e. isConnectedToBroker()



    • #17
      Re: Ok

      Hi Mike,

      Originally posted by mikem2006
      Ok great. What's the ETA on the next release?
      We just pushed out a maintenance release today. Try build 10.3.1491.

      5) I am referring to the connection between eSignal and TWS. My eSignal and TWS are on the same host, so the internet connection is not involved here. I can confirm that the connection is periodically lost; for no apparent reason. I confirm this by removing from the trusted api clients list in TWS. When I do that the TWS 'allow client connect' confirmation dialog may and does appear at some point in time. And eSignal complains that it cannot connect to IB/TWS. Once I click OK to allow it it begins working again.
      Interesting, I haven't come across this problem before. Do you start up TWS before eSignal?

      You may wish to examine why the ibbridge connection drops so often on the same host. As long as I have in the TWS trusted clients things appear copasetic. But it still begs the question as to why the connection is periodically lost & reconnected.
      I'll run this by our engineers.

      6) It strikes me as odd that you have buy, sell, sellShort apis, but you left out the buyCover. >>The buy functions can be used to cover short positions. Did you try this?<<

      Yes it works that was not my point. I was speaking to the api design issue.

      buy and sell api calls are all that is needed. Yet the designer chose to provide a separate api for sellShort. I presume just to make code more readable since I do not think that the exchange distinguishes between sell and sellShort. I.O.W. in the absense of an existing long position a sell order will do the same thing as a sellShort order.

      I was merely saying that since you added "sellShort" to the buy,sell api set, you might have also added buyCover to round out the api. No big deal just an observation.

      Mike Makuch
      I see what you're saying. Not sure why they weren't included in the initial implimentation. We will be working on some improvments in this area later this year. We can certainly add some additional functions.

      One suggestion and request. I see no visual indication for whether or no the IB plugin is connected or disconnected. A nice shiny GREEN spot when connected would be keen.
      There is one in the account manager window. Perhaps we could add one to the status bar as well.

      Also, is there anyway to check connectivity within efs? If you provided that then we could take care of the connected sign. I.e. isConnectedToBroker()
      Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. Keep them coming.
      Jason K.
      Project Manager
      eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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      • #18
        Re: Re: Ok

        Originally posted by eSignal_JasonK
        [B]Hi Mike,
        We just pushed out a maintenance release today. Try build 10.3.1491.
        Ok I'll check it out.
        You may wish to examine why the ibbridge connection drops so often on the same host.
        Interesting, I haven't come across this problem before. Do you start up TWS before eSignal?
        Well, yes and no. Sometimes. I am not talking about when I don't.

        IB Connection status: There is one in the account manager window. Perhaps we could add one to the status bar as well.
        As I think more about this an api would be ideal. That way we can take appropriate action if the connection goes down, like sound an alarm, take corrective measures etc.


        • #19
          What was changed?

          What is fixed in this 1491 maintenance release? Are any of the issues in this thread addressed in this release?

          I just tried the closeAllPositions api and it still does not work.

          The current position is still not reflected on the OrderTicketWindow upper right corner still says "No Position" even when there is one created with the Order Ticket.

          Is 1491 the correct release you meant to publish here? The build date on the About dialog has a date of 1/30/2009. That would not correspond to the issues discussed in this thread.

          Ok I checked the Release notes and Readme.txt it appears neither of those two issues are mentioned. Perhaps you pointed me to it for the connectivity issues?

          By the way the 1st line in the readme is;

          eSignal 10.3.1482 Release (1/21/2009)
          Last edited by mikem2006; 02-09-2009, 02:56 PM.


          • #20
            New IB Plugin fixes...

            The new IB plugin appears two have fixed to big problems for me:

            1) No more 10 second delay when creating orders and

            2) The closeAllPositions() api appears to be working now.

            Last edited by mikem2006; 03-11-2009, 04:40 PM.

