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FXCM and closeposition()

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  • FXCM and closeposition()


    I have integrated eSignal with FXCM to create a blackbox system (as per the procedure given on, and I meet a problem when trying to close an open position (using closeposition(getSymbol()) or closeAllPosition() ...). When calling these functions, eSignal will just freeze? Any idea why that happens?

    Alternatively, I was thinking to call buyMarket() sellMarket() functions, but from time to time a position will not be open (error: price has not been validated). Is there anyway to:

    - Get a return error or return null from buyMarket / sellMarket if the order didn't pass?

    - Alternatively have access to open positions directly from openposition?

    Last solution I am thinking about :
    - Change Broker: does anyone know if IB is maybe more suited to be integrated to eSignal than FXCM?
    - Alternatively just use MetaTrader, but I am not sure if it offers as much flexibility as eSignal / EFS ?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • #2
    Re: FXCM and closeposition()

    Hello Aulin,

    Originally posted by cadeac

    I have integrated eSignal with FXCM to create a blackbox system (as per the procedure given on, and I meet a problem when trying to close an open position (using closeposition(getSymbol()) or closeAllPosition() ...). When calling these functions, eSignal will just freeze? Any idea why that happens?
    There was an update recently to FXCM's api, which has created some delays in our integration. We are currently working on a fix for this.

    Alternatively, I was thinking to call buyMarket() sellMarket() functions, but from time to time a position will not be open (error: price has not been validated). Is there anyway to:

    - Get a return error or return null from buyMarket / sellMarket if the order didn't pass?
    Currently there is no return information to EFS from the broker. This is something we will be working on in a future release.

    - Alternatively have access to open positions directly from openposition?
    This will also be implemented in a future release.
    Jason K.
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    • #3
      Thanks for that. Do you have any idea of when we could expect this next release? (especially concerning the closePosition() fix)


