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Zenfire log location

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  • Zenfire log location

    Hi guys, Zenfire still reverses a position at the most difficult times when trading from the chart. Please give me the complete directory path for Windows Vista so I can send the log.

    Tends to get expensive.........

  • #2

    I apologize for the delay in getting this directory to you. The logs should be located in %UserProfile%\appdata\local\esignal\esignal\10\log s\4804 <-- this number might be different for you. It should be the directory with todays modification date.

    Also if please make sure that you've had logging box check in the Zen-Fire Connection Setting box.


    • #3
      Thanks Avery. That directory is full of log file directories dating back to 2008. The directory names bear no resemblance to dates, and each directory has to be looked at to determine it's creation date. Is there a down side if I were to delete all these old log directories and start again?



      • #4
        Avery, my username on my Laptop is mervk, and directory path:


        gives me all old log files with the most recent dated as being created in 2009. I have logging enabled within Zenfire. I use Vista. Please tell me why I cannot find more recent log file directories?



        • #5

          There is no other place on the system that these files are being written and I can't think of any reason that the logs are not being written if the check mark is in the box for logging.

          Have you done any system restores or have you uninstalled eSignal where you selected to remove personal settings?



          • #6
            Avery, after using the Command shell so I could see directory dates, I found a 'sent' directory, which is full of multiple zip files for each current date. These files are called these the log files I'm looking for? And because they are in a directory called 'sent', are they being sent automatically? I have not done any special maintenance within living history.



            • #7
              I also add that the creation date of all other directories in the log dir, is 2008/2009. There are none created during 2010 or 2011.

              Could the installation of beta V11 have changed this location?



              • #8
                Originally posted by merkro
                I also add that the creation date of all other directories in the log dir, is 2008/2009. There are none created during 2010 or 2011.

                Could the installation of beta V11 have changed this location?

                I don't think that installing eSignal 11 should have change the directory. Let me check with the Developers and see if my assumption is correct. Once I know for sure I'll get reply back.



                • #9
                  Avery, this problem occurred twice early January, but has since settled down. I would however, still like to find my log files. Any reply to the question V11 may have changed the log directory within the registry? And if the answer is no, can you give me more detailed help in finding them? Such as maybe if the dir is stored in the registry, and what string I may search for? Or maybe the method used to determine a session's log file name, so I can search for a specific file?

                  As a side note, I suspect the problem is related to trading a symbol not configured in Order Defaults. As I have since made sure the symbol is present in Order Defaults at the biginning of a session, I have not had the problem reoccur, however this may be simply a coincidence.




                  • #10

                    The location for the eSignal 11 logs are going to be

                    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Interactive Data\Trading Plugins\ZF\2.0.2195.905.

                    The last number should be the eSignal version you're using.

                    I'll pass along the other information to the developers.



                    • #11
                      Thanks for the prompt reply, but my 10.6 logs are not in that directory. I have the Enable Logs option of ZF ticked, but the logs are not where you say they should be. In fact, after dozens of directories of log files being created during 2008 and 2009 within the directory you pointed me to , no new log directories were created after 2009.

                      I need to find where these log files are going. Please help with sufficient info on file name structure/terminology so I can do a search for a specific file. They must be going somewhere, and you guys control their location.



                      • #12
                        The directory path I've given is the default path of where the zenfire.log file should be going. From my own searches this is where I'm finding the files on our vista machines and windows 7 machines.

                        The other suggestion that I can make is to do a search of the machine for the zenfire.log file.


                        • #13
                          Thank you Avery, such a simple thing. I understood from your prior reply that the file name was a number, and did not search for "Zenfire.log" I have now located them, and will be prepared should the problem reoccur. Thanks for your persistence.


