I connect to IB and can not mapping ES Z1 to future in esignal 11.3. Here is the screen shot.
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symbol mapping problem
The error you're getting if fairly rare. The more popular symbols such as ES will auto map when they've been added to a chart of Trade Manager window. In this case it appears that TWS is not recognizing it's own symbol.
I would suggest removing this symbol from your dictionary (Trade-->Broker Manager-->Symbol Dictionary/Order Defaults) and manually mapping it back in. In Article 4867 are step by step instructions on adding symbols to the dictionary.
Hope this helps
eSignal Support
I have the same problem with the PFG interface. I want to add ES #F=2(with a blank character between S and #) in the broker manager but it's not possible. When I'm deleting the blank I can add it. But the charts are not working with ES#F=2. This seems to be a bug...
In 10.6 it's working fine with the blank!
Regards ZottlLast edited by zottl; 11-23-2011, 02:54 PM.