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  • eSignal

    I am following the directions for loading the etf files into the advanced chart on eSignal, but I don't know how to open the etf files in eSignal

    Any help?

  • #2
    I'm assuming ETF means Exchange Traded Funds but I'm not sure what "file" you are referring to? If it's a formula/EFS, then you want to save it under the eSignal program folder, under Formulas, then choose another sub-folder or create a new one.

    Back in eSignal, open an Advanced Chart, right-click, choose Formulas, find your sub-folder and click on the EFS you loaded. Should then appear on your screen.

    To then edit any of the properties of that EFS, right-click again, choose Edit Properties, select the EFS from the drop-down list in the upper left and then edit what's available.

    Does that help?

    btw: If you haven't already, might want to check out the collection of eSignal Movie Clips. There's an 11 minute video on the basics of EFS if that's of interest.


    • #3

      Once you feel brave enough, you can begin tweaking some of the EFS code to fit your needs. As Scott mentioned, it may be a good idea to view the videos he suggested; as without it, the language can be a lot to absorb if you’re a non-programmer. Anyway, by going to the "Tools" menu at the top of eSignal, clicking on "EFS" and then choosing "Editor", you'll be able to open existing EFS studies that come default with the program as well as begin to work on studies of your own. We also have the EFS Help Center and Library that you might find useful as it contains tons of sample code to help you along. Hope this helps.

