Bullish / Bearish Sentiment
Thanks Marcus,
Originally posted by MarcRinehart
We may call this "1-2,1-2" pattern, which is bullish.
It sure looks bullish short term, but.........denial of any downside
risk spells for an unexpected move coming soon, IMO?
I consider this divergence bearish...let the market be forward
looking.....but, keep your feet on the ground! Watching for
a reversal on the VIX soon?

30minutes into the open....keep eye on RSI and Stochastics
bullish hammer forming?.....very early in day
Thanks Marcus,
Originally posted by MarcRinehart
We may call this "1-2,1-2" pattern, which is bullish.
It sure looks bullish short term, but.........denial of any downside
risk spells for an unexpected move coming soon, IMO?
I consider this divergence bearish...let the market be forward
looking.....but, keep your feet on the ground! Watching for
a reversal on the VIX soon?

30minutes into the open....keep eye on RSI and Stochastics
bullish hammer forming?.....very early in day
