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Advanced Charting Methods & Ideas

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  • #76
    Line chart old school look

    MACD crossovers look pretty good?

    Last edited by JJordan; 07-31-2003, 02:55 PM.


    • #77
      Is the market ahead of itself?

      I've asked that before? Mondays dow snapshot
      Let's see what happens. It sure tried to breakout today?


      • #78
        Some nice Trade signals today:

        Last edited by whizz; 07-31-2003, 09:10 PM.


        • #79
          Crossover studies, MA, Stocastic, RSI ,etc.

          Hi Whizz,

          I was looking at your stochastic studies, I think your gettin it down.
          Also finding which other indicators work well together,
          MACD and RSI, etc......a great collection of charts you've put together!

          Very good stuff here!

          another good job by whizziwork:

          Last edited by JJordan; 08-04-2003, 05:44 AM.


          • #80
            INDECISION ON S&P and DJ

            Commercial will finally sell the Market heavily?
            Big speculators will fire up a short cover rally?
            Small Speculators will reinforce short attitude?
            Let's see Monday open

            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #81
              Layouts, Pages & Floating charts

              Floating charts are a good way to have an
              underlying workspace layout behind your
              regular charts setup, just minimize your
              workspace and there you go. independent charts.
              Free to arrange with browsers etc.

              Here's a basic layout that is an easy way to watch
              individual stocks and the market A good place
              to start your own modifications and arrangement ideas.


              I placed this as a floating chart in workspace


              • #82

                Irrispective of the skills in using the tools, I apologize but your charts are:
                day by day more clutterd and difficult to understand
                as per a time ago post: We do not understand your position

                If you want to show us how good are you in using all the jewelery fine , it is an interesting issue and good rehersal; altrenatively if you intend to establish a discussion it is more credible define your starting point and- expecially - the target.

                In this sense , the Linus last chart is an example of cleaness.

                If you do not intend to establish a discussion, plòease forget this post.
                But IMHO if this is the case , maybe, yours are little senseless.......

                Thank you.

                Last edited by fabrizio; 08-04-2003, 07:09 AM.
                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                • #83
                  clean charts

                  Hi Fabrizio,

                  I'm sorry if some of the charts are cluttered, some examples
                  are just demonstrations of the tools not intended to show
                  or give lesson on a particular indicator or market move.
                  I am conscious of the fact that the charts should be presented in
                  cleanest simplest form for the view of message being presented.
                  I got your message so you can edit or delete your post to convey
                  a continued constructive interaction and discussion.

                  I am likely to throw anything out whether simple to extreme,
                  only to expand on the possibilities of usefullness.
                  If a method is applied wrong or in a silly manner it's all apart of
                  making change or adapting ideas into what may work somewhere.

                  I don't expect to show every method or strategy for charting and trading
                  or define a planned entry/exist strategy or target. Some charts will speak for themselves
                  whether the viewer finds usefulness....
                  some charts are the experiment with kirshenbaum bands.
                  But, it did show the noise in a sideways move.

                  Please, feel free provide more examples of clean charts with credible starting points and targets<g>

                  Thanks for your comments Fab, I will try to clean-up my act.
                  and get the thread back on track<g>
                  Linus...thanks for the moon chart...nice and clean, easy to understand

                  Last edited by JJordan; 08-04-2003, 08:31 AM.


                  • #84

                    I always - you know- highly spoken of yourself and Linus and no matter that I surely have something to learn from you guys too.

                    I did not intended to be harsh or criticizes - even if eventually it sound it like- but just re express a concept:
                    -I enjoy this exchange of point of views
                    -You guys have a fresh, enthusiasthic approach and intersting too: ALL OF you -IMHO- can add value to this BB and to this forum that BTW, has been started by you ( so I am at your home.....)

                    IMHO your kirshenbaum experiment was really appreciable: as a matter of fact the point of "how to reduce the noise" is a very interesting topic . I'm deeply interested too!!!

                    I'm triyng to get into WAVELETS, but the way to study the whole bunch is quite .......hard so I'v just tried an approach.......meaningless!!!
                    For this I'm studing the theory (superficially of course) , Debauche etc. etc. via internet and books that I'v been recomended to (BTW MATHEMATICA has a package just for WAVELETS.........).

                    On the other side do not render too" stiff" your presentations ( do not drop completely your artist side): just make them more.....understandable for all of us!.
                    Again, once more- You maybe couldn't care less- but I enjoy this/ Your thread and the exchange.


                    Last edited by fabrizio; 08-05-2003, 01:53 AM.
                    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                    • #85
                      channels etc.

                      I'm told the NAS broke the channel this morning.
                      I can see that without drawing it. But I have the channels
                      drawn on another chart. This chart is easily visible
                      the fibonacci retracement possibilities. Imagination
                      is a fulfillment of thought.<g>
                      Watch your feelings! Your eyes have no feeling.

                      We know my moving averages form a channel. No need to draw<g>
                      Last edited by JJordan; 08-04-2003, 09:07 AM.


                      • #86
                        Tick Trin $prem etc.

                        I find it helpful sometimes to look at some market internals.
                        I'm generally interested only in the last few bars.

                        Thanks, Fab


                        • #87
                          Scalp trades and the 2min chart

                          I wanted to show a scalp trade setup but overwrote the chart
                          file with this one. Still things move faster at these intervals
                          and one should know the stocks they trade. Watch the sellers<g>

                          Last edited by JJordan; 08-04-2003, 10:41 AM.


                          • #88
                            Tick turns positive

                            The tick went from negative to positive very quickly.
                            Is this more than a dead cat bounce...scalpers
                            don't care much.<g> It is still negative so be nibble.<g>


                            • #89
                              SPX Daily candles

                              Sorry for the cluttered bollinger band chart.
                              I think the gann lines are still useful. Watch
                              the High and Low on today's candlestick. Levels
                              will be helpful in determining direction change this week?


                              • #90
                                scalping a market bounce.

                                Here's the last chart for the market snapback scalp.
                                Notice the tick improved greatly. (-100+ to +900+)

