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Xtl Conyinuation- Why Didn't It Work??

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  • Xtl Conyinuation- Why Didn't It Work??

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  • #2

    Well Well , you tried too fool him in a W4.......! Gutsy guy!

    Even with a different count and not seeing the Oscillators , I bet you had a W4 projected up there when you entered the trade .

    How ever who told you that the movement up was over?? You had all the clues that WASN'T over!!!

    It is not advisable to enter a contratrend W4 trade......

    My humble advise is follow all the rules......


    Ouch! ( will be better next time, do not worry! but follow the rules)
    Last edited by fabrizio; 09-18-2003, 11:21 AM.
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • #3
      Howdy Linus!

      How are ya?

      Long time don 't read you....

      mmmmmhh risky very risky entry Linus, not even respecting the Fibo ....... just an array of red xtl + a DMA do not allow a bearable entry...,

      Furthermore the the RTC was broken in the lower channel that do not means very much, but likely - as actually it happend - some sideways, to eventually take the same direction as before.

      RTC wasn't adjusted in STD in the Upper cannel......

      Last edited by fabrizio; 09-18-2003, 11:32 AM.
      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by linus71
          The GET:Oscillator (!), and the Stochastic.
          Maybe the Momentum indicator and the RSI too.
          Read the threads in the AGET forum and the AGET manual on how to properly use the GET Osc.
          Dear Linus

          I beg your pardon, but the whole approach -IMHO- was wrong.
          That does not mean that everyone should not appreciate Silver's tentative even if not successfull

          Not criticizing Silver but just chattin:

          IMHO : Not only one Osc mbut all the OSC:wit Xref top bottom .

          So, where were the strong clues that there were enough money to make , against the risk? Take the trade with a verrryyyyyyyy tight stop ? then what? got few pips and risk an almost sure stop? MMMM. And how about the Elliot trigger?.

          But Put on side Elliot.
          a) the retacement was not meaning very much. I personally would have looked for a ratio among the prior movements and put some nice fibo in it.
          b) Graham -Dodd Bell Distribution Curve: the RTC breaking in this peculiar case on the lower Channel as said meant almost nothing at all. The trend is changing if the full breaking is ON THE CHANNELL in THE SAME VERSUS OF THE TREND (I.E UPPER CHANNEL). Breaking the low one can bring to a short victory of the sellers in the auction, but eventually the auction is not feasible anymore and the pricesedirect themselves towards the "fair value" at the STD 0.

          Question : WHO WAS IN CONTROL OF THE MARKET IN THAT MOMENT? Was the same on the other TF?

          Ok put it in this way :
          1) silver did right because if you do not try you'll never learn. After all its is only money, and when you fall from the bike first think is get back immediatly and ride.
          2) Leran from your mistakes that - more than money -are harsh because they show you that the whole strategic plan was wrong. And -IMHO- this is WHAT COUNTS: knowing that no tool or other is generally wrong. We are wrong. Dipends by what "goggles" we wear in watching (or listening) the MARKET, WHICH BY DEFINITION IS ALWAYS RIGHT.
          3) Hope that Silver's MM was good.
          So always BUCKLE UP and discipline: DO NOT MOVE YOUR STOPS. They are your daily gain.
          4) Study, Study, Study, Study, Study and apply yorself until you find tools and styles that make you feel confortable. That way to trade make you feel confortable? than eventually you will succed.

          Today is another day and the market will give many occasions to prove ourselves!!! So Silver start over confident. But BUCKLE UP. It is the only way to start over and over and over again!!! And became a very succesfull trader.

          Again all my best to you silver and have a very pleasent and profitable day. ( should not be this way, do not worry again...start over.)


          Last edited by fabrizio; 09-19-2003, 02:15 AM.
          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


          • #6
            Originally posted by linus71
            Does that mean, the whole idea of an AGET Type 1 Short trade in catching a Wave-5 is wrong?

            A) NO, but it is extremely risky for a NON PRO to try to catch W4

            And FWIS in the chart he had A CLEARLY CLOSE W3 and was betting just on a pull back on a mere FIBO 0.382.

            So either he was in the strong believe that the W3 was not over but- as said- just pulling back directed with impulse downtrend , or he was clearly aware that after the close W3 he was in an A-B-C complex internal structure of a UP W4.

            More he was in an a labelled - I believe- B.

            With all the good will I can use I do not from the ex post chart see any good reason to enter the trade.

            I did even worst ( sometimes I still do) trade : I'm not shy of those. We are all good to talk after the events. silver did what believed was right: and he did right to try ( Buckled up of course).

            what I'm just simply discussing with you ex post is that a NON PRO should avoid certain risky business.

            B) No, But if I have the counting on my chart I MUST MANDATORY HAVE THE TJ OSC 5/35; than I shift to short and aggressive and watch 5/17. After wards I take a look on the long counting and issue the Alternate 3.
            X REf From Daily down, TJ WEB Issued on weakly and reissued down. FIBO RATIOS from 0W to top W3.
            And RTC + 6-4 H-L dma channel.
            Over. You do not need nothing more to try to know where are you. If you get dazzled and confused ( Led Zeppeling old good song) wandering with no idea where were are you, means that 80% of the times you are in W4.

            And catch a W4 is extremely dangerous.

            Ciao Linus!
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7

              Always a pleasure talk to you.

              I do too "brag" on my losses never ever on my profit.

              Ok I agree with the smart and quick about a nice SAR on the Fly?

              Ciao Linus

              Let us read you more........stop for a while piling up Euro........!!
              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

