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Fibo & Geometry

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  • I always like to backtest my work to make sure it's not some one time thing and can actually forecast based on happening sometime in the past. Unfortunatly I can't find the paper one like this that I did that projected from 1995 to 98 with the 3-D square up instead of down. It showed that when root-3 was violated, that zone between root-2 and root-3 was very important because March 2000 high hit the root-2 and then almost crashed for 2 months, never to see 1552 again. I don't think this market will crash but a severe correction "could" happen at any time in the zone it is in now. Keep tight stops and don't buy corrections blindly.
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    • Let's Get More Esotheric....

      This is the firts part of the Kabalistic intrepretaion of SQof9 as per the Hebrew Tradition and the Pitagorean Tradition......
      Both are strictly interlaced with The strenght of #15 (Divinity), The Planets Movements
      ( and the Sqr of 3 of course wich is 9 and the Cube root of 15 is 1.402851 which is close to 1.414 a pretty important retracement/expansion level for my operativity )

      Last edited by fabrizio; 12-26-2003, 01:43 AM.
      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


      • Chris
        Let's get really "esotheric"

        Honestly My cycle forecast are very simple. Correction for the N^-10 reasons and then up till mid year. I do not know if the timing I gave will be correct or once more wrong. Either the price levels

        But what you shown in the last post is what I was expecting. Ok, you got the 3D and finally I know it.

        Bye bye

        Ps. There is a wonderfuull H&S perfect in Ratios 0.500 and 1.618
        BC wave MER. Plus a badly designed attempt of BFLY Top.
        So each take his own conclusion.

        Since MER anticipate S&P ........
        Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


        • This is an inverted S&P 500 with parabolas. Question, would you buy this chart? Not me, long term bears beware new highs in the Dow 30 "could" be reached in 2 years OR LESS.

          On a side note, I like to use science to describe the market and this url is VERY important to understanding the structure of the market, not economics.
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          • It is an iverted parabola....

            why skip :

            But what you shown in the last post is what I was expecting. Ok, you got the 3D and finally I know it.
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • Chris

              The point is not new scientifically
              enjoy this interactive link on Spiral Distribution of Seeds on a Flower

              Do not skip the other point 3d
              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

              Fab & Chris FIBO & GEOMETRY


              • I didn't say new scientifically or new to use in market dynamics for that matter. BUT taking these principles and applying it to trading is new to the day trader. Some very large hedge funds have for years used science and not economics for forecasting, and they are the best of the best today, Rentec and Jim Simons comes to mind. Taking the growth patterns beyond simple Fib retracements and extensions is the idea. Ideas is how we grow intellectually as humans and seperates us from the common animal. That was my point.

                Originally posted by scorpios

                The point is not new scientifically
                enjoy this interactive link on Spiral Distribution of Seeds on a Flower

                Do not skip the other point 3d


                • Taking the growth patterns beyond simple Fib retracements and extensions is the idea. Ideas is how we grow intellectually as humans and seperates us from the common animal. That was my point.

                  Your point is not wrong is right. (though my point is that istitutionals MUST and do follow a new approach: quantitative, Fundamental and AT from the nature rules and appliyng all the posssible neural and tech......)
                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • Didn't see any question so I just posted the chart. The url is VERY important and holds all the answers if you just think about it. I don't know why the market does what it does but I can predict based on science. The square of 9 is similar in structure to these photos in that it grows according to the mathematics of phyllotaxis. The second one is the structure of using a ring for seasonality overlayed on a square, kind of like the So9. This goes back to to ancient Egypt. The symbols are astro symbols and was used to predict weather patterns, like the farmers almanac.

                    This is for the "Let's Get More Esoteric" post below, you guys type too fast for me.
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                    Last edited by theplumber; 12-28-2003, 12:48 PM.


                    • Another ancient use of squares of numbers was this, known as the Magian Square and is one technique used for the So9 using astro positions on the So9 by someone, I think Mikula.

                      Originally posted by theplumber
                      Didn't see any question so I just posted the chart. The url is VERY important and holds all the answers if you just think about it. I don't know why the market does what it does but I can predict based on science. The square of 9 is similar in structure to these photos in that it grows according to the mathematics of phyllotaxis. The second one is the structure of using a ring for seasonality overlayed on a square, kind of like the So9. This goes back to to ancient Egypt. The symbols are astro symbols and was used to predict weather patterns, like the farmers almanac.

                      This is for the "Let's Get More Esoteric" post below, you guys type too fast for me.
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                      • Be very careful about numbers and what they are "supposed" to represent. We have wonderful imaginations and belief systems that can override reality and truth, this is how magicians stay in business. For instance the numbers 7 and 9, the text I got this from shows some wonderful explainations for the importance of these numbers but but as a mathematician I know how to manipulate numbers to wow people. For example the number 7. Ask someone to think of a number, any number. This number will be called X. Then to add 5, then multiply times 2 and subtract 4. Multiply that new number by 3, add 24, and divide by 6, then subtract the final number by X, the original number. The answer will always come to 7. Magic, no just plain algebra. The simplified equation is below

                        -------- -- X = 7
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                        • Sure, I formally agree.

                          But we said "Let's get really esotheric" so for a while go down in it......and have fun with all the gimmick we can have in the backpack.

                          But you know that my point is another .....the 3D chart, that is the point scientifiaclly and I know thant you know it.
                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • Possible future? beware future price isn't exact scale
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                            Last edited by theplumber; 01-01-2004, 05:36 AM.


                            • Hi guys, wonderfull stuff is this thread.
                              Looking at the posts of theplumber of 24 december, I'm a bit confused. Using the graphical SQ9, such as used by the Gann Wheel program, the corner squares 17, 37, 65 etc are 180 degrees from resp 9, 25, 49. However, using the SQ9 formula and adding 1 to get 180 degree, the resulting square values are 16, 36, 64 etc. How do I deal with the difference?


                              • Originally posted by tedk
                                Hi guys, wonderfull stuff is this thread.
                                Looking at the posts of theplumber of 24 december, I'm a bit confused. Using the graphical SQ9, such as used by the Gann Wheel program, the corner squares 17, 37, 65 etc are 180 degrees from resp 9, 25, 49. However, using the SQ9 formula and adding 1 to get 180 degree, the resulting square values are 16, 36, 64 etc. How do I deal with the difference?

                                Good question, do you know the answer because I'd like to know too? The square of nine is maybe the most mysterious tool I know of, and where it came from or how Gann used it was never told no matter what anyone says. The equation Gann came up with (I think) was independent of the square of nine. Gann really was one of many who used equations and geometry to predict the market. My first time seeing this spiral of numbers was reading about Stanislaw Ulam and how doodling made a spiral of numbers and circled the primes and saw a pattern of diagonal number sequences but it's obvious that the square of nine goes back much farther than that. Some have said it came from India and Gann on his travels found it and used some of his basic equations to see if there was a pattern to the square. There was and they say the rest is history. Besides a square root calculator it can also yield sequences of primes (as said above) and squares of odds and evens as the picture shows. But playing with the middle number gives much more. Try putting 1553 in the middle and see what number sequences you can come up with then. The best thing to do if your dedicated is to make one in Excel and use equations to extract these sequences. You get some very interesting thing from this.
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