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  • Mohan/TCF

    anyone else trading the e-mini via mohan's TCF signals?

    what is your track record?


  • #2
    Over the last 5 weeks, I've averaged roughly 3 points/day using Mohan's setups. I go for a 7 point target though, not 8-10 like he suggests. Many of the trades would have gotten 9 or 10 points, I admit...but I just feel more at ease going for 7.


    • #3
      (1) What is Mohan/TCF setups?
      (2) Where can I down load the efs's ?
      Larry Dudash
      HAL at


      • #4

        To learn about Mohan and his excellent method, head over to


        • #5

          eric - did you [or anyone?] attend the seminar in CA?
          i did not. i've been using TCF since mid AUG and having trouble staying on the plus side.
          i was, however, away on 3 of his biggest UP days. bummer.


          • #6
            Going to the Delray seminar this month. Hey, over the past 2 weeks alone you should have made $. Are you sure you're following his system? Just email him if things aren't going as you expected - maybe you'll get some advice.


            • #7
              No, I have not attended any of his seminars.
              I'm positive about his setups. Have been trading them since Aug '02. I don't always agree with his "yesterday's recap", as they sometimes only offer me terrific hindsight. I will, however, say that his setups absolutely do make money, even on short time horizons.
              For YOU to make money from his methodology is very possible, providing you dont have any major psychological issues that would prevent you from managing your trades properly.

              If anyone is new to Mohan, I'd strongly urge you to read everything on his website regarding his methodology. Then I would go back over his archives to get a feel for how he calls his shots. Why he did such and such and not this. It will take awhile to really understand where he is coming from, and trade his setups properly.


              • #8

                I am new to the board so it is possible that my question has already been addressed but maybe someone can give additional help.

                What e-signal screen set ups have worked best with the MC and TCF set ups?
                Do you trade only in line with the MC directional bias or do you trade each set up as they present themselves?



                • #9
                  New Morning Call and High 5 efs files


                  I have posted revised EFS files in DanPaulGroup in File Sharing.
                  These are for the Morning Call numbers and the High 5. I've got a
                  .png file there with the studies on chart, and a word doc explaining the Morning Call lines. Read the header files on the High 5 formula for an explaination and values used in determining the different "states".

                  If you have any questions or find any errors, let me know.



                  • #10
                    I only trade the setups as they occur.


                    • #11
                      Trading the set ups as they occur seems to be the best approach to me as well. Of course the high 5 should confirm this.

                      I was at the San Diego seminar with Mohan and it was real good stuff. Many, many questions surrounded synthesizing of the high 5.


                      • #12
                        Mohan Seminar

                        >I was at the San Diego seminar with Mohan and it was real >good stuff. Many, many questions surrounded synthesizing of >the high 5.

                        Let me ask: did you really learn anything that new about Hi5, or anything at the seminar? I mean if you read his manual very carefully, is there anything concrete that you will pick up that is not already in the manual, even about Hi5, that still does not boil down to guessing and hoping, that is beyond what he already discussed in his manuel?

                        I am considering going to hs next seminar, but it seems to me that anything further about his setups may come down to stuff that does not amount to anything concrete. At some point you can decieve yourself into thinkng you can read something like Hi5 and all you are doing is just fooling yourself that you know something when all you are doing is really guessing.
                        Last edited by alexmihh; 10-10-2003, 06:56 AM.


                        • #13
                          If you are asking me what I would suggest as improvements; I think some actual transparencies of charts (trades made), high 5 numbers and some notes as to why the actions were taken would have better served to put us in the pilots seat.
                          Having the opportunity to meet Mohan and ask questions had some good value. Mark Douglas was the guest speaker and he was able to place another layer on the contents of his book.
                          I will admit that most of my questions were Knocking on the door of some of Mohans proprietary indicators which were not part of the seminar.
                          Where else can you go to meet and greet 200+ people using the exact methodology you use to trade everyday?


                          • #14
                            >I will admit that most of my questions were Knocking on the door of some of Mohans proprietary indicators which were not part of the seminar. Where else can you go to meet and greet 200+ people using the exact methodology you use to trade everyday?

                            Mohan says he teaches you to be come an SP-500 trader, but in reality all he teaches you is to become dependent on him. Until he teaches you these special 18 indcators of his, what they are, and how to compute the Value Area and Sell/Buy pivots, you are totally dependent on him because you can't figure these things out for yourself. If Mohan were to drop dead tomorrow, you'd be pretty helpless and lost about the next day setups. He says he is the only one to have "cracked the code" of the LSS system. So, as long as he is alive and in business, that's potentially OK.

                            It sounds like there is no real advantage of going to the seminar, that is, if you really digest his trading manuel.

                            I find it interesting that for someone who has done this for so long as he as, he now admits that things are now happening that his system can not account for. These new "sneak-down bear ugly" days is something new to his system that he has no way of forecasting or playing. He has tried to "guess" when these would come and he has failed every time I think. It is like everyone who had a system is now retooling their system because nothing that has worked in the past 2-3 years really works now in the current market.


                            • #15
                              In many ways you are correct as it pertains to the 18 proprietary indicators. However, Mohan has never said he invented these indicators he has mentioned an ongoing process of retooling what was already there. He has suggested reading material on more than one occasion. As for me, I have been battling with LSS phasing for months before I met Mohan so the Morning Call is a great help. The Sell and Buy Pivots seem to be consistently close to the Sell and Buy Envelope numbers referenced in George Angell's books. In this respect the Morning Call helps to give focus and organization to the crazy trading day. I think the content of the Handbook and the daily Morning Calls are being provided for a more than reasonable fee considering the competition.

