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Swedish Main Index, Sweden OMX

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pq1 ... but there´s a danger to do a "cross referencing" because Stockholm is the leading marketplace for ERIC and the $ has been losing ground against the swedish krona..
    I thank you and am very grateful for your insight!!! My primary premise when adding the Nasdaq ERICY was to find a way to tie together a "pattern matching" idea. The thing I mostly wanted to add was the price movement relationships that exist.

    With the Nasdaq data I was able to generate a few more AGET tools which I could not generate with the limited Swedish data.

    Again, thanks so much for this discourse. This is extremely exciting. You guys get some sleep... it must be late where you are. I will try to get a few more charts you can look at tomorrow and we can follow-up together more tomorrow.

    Best wishes from Ohio, Marc R.


    • #17
      i can put in some fishcharts of the following but i´m not the "fishtrader" like rumpino is so it´s just rawcharts..SKF_B-SSE

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      • #18
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        • #19
          sometimes it´s lovely to se the MOB-pinball ;-),, i´m totally hooked on the MOB:s ..

          OMX 5min.
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          • #20
            I will try to get more later tonight. Here is a "quick look" idea....
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            • #21
              My view on H&M_B-SSE Daily..
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              • #22
                Here is a requested Swedish stock, SWMA-SSEE, weekly chart...



                • #23
                  thank's for the input! here is my view of SWMA in a fishnet perspective
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                  • #24
                    Your throw the 'net' and we both real in the profits, right?! I do like your charts... thanks for sharing. this setup is very attractive longer-term if we can continue to hold like it is. Do you know anything about this stock you can share with us? Curiosity is my middle name.. thanks again! -marc


                    • #25
                      When you do your fishnet, are your moving averages uniformed in settings or do
                      you take random various values?

                      Also, can you tell me some more stock symbols so we can compare notes and approaches to
                      better understand them? This is fun looking at these companies. Just tell me a little bit about the
                      company as well. Thanks. -marc


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MarcRinehart
                        Do you know anything about this stock you can share with us?
                        of course!

                        Swedish Match is a company in the tobacco sector. Their main product is called "snuff" and it looks like a powder but it's more "moisty" and you put it under your lip. It's an old product in Sweden and I know that they are introducing it in Usa at the moment. The margins on this is 44%!

                        They also sell tobacco that you chew in Usa, that's not common in Sweden and I think that Usa is their only market for this product. To this they also have, ciggarrs, matches, lighters etc.

                        They had cigarettes before but sold this division pretty recently, so their main focus is on snuff. Snuff is less dangerous than cigarettes and it is very common that smokers quits smoking and starts using this instead (like me ), there are also many restrictions comming against smoking so I think this was a good move.

                        The company are now working heavily on establishing snuff in Usa and India, their main focus I think are smokers who wants a more healthier alternetive. Snuff is distributed in two forms, one is looking like soil and you "bake" your own and put it under the lip (this is kinda messy for those who arent used to this). The other one is like a small tea bag one just put there, this is more clean. I think the last version is the one they focus on their export I believe.

                        SWMA has showed a turnover growth about 20%-25% per year the last years.

                        They are very dependant on the dollar and suffered a lot of the weak dollar.

                        I think they P/E is around 15 on this years returns.

                        Wow .. this became long .. hope I didn't make you tired


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MarcRinehart
                          When you do your fishnet, are your moving averages uniformed in settings or do
                          you take random various values?

                          Also, can you tell me some more stock symbols so we can compare notes and approaches to
                          better understand them? This is fun looking at these companies. Just tell me a little bit about the
                          company as well. Thanks. -marc
                          Its just regular MA's, every single one in order from 1-200 (or 220 if you want). I know many people experiments with EMA's, time series, 200 bollingers etc etc. But I stick to this technique since I thinks it works well. I never use only fishnet to take a trade, it has to be together with other indicators, ewt, fibonacci or something like that. But is is often/always there when I enter a trade.

                          Hmmm I have some difficulties at the moment finding any interesting stocks. The situation at the stockmarket is a little tough now, will we continue upwards or are we close to a bigger top? As the trend is upp I think I will buy on rebounds, but I want the prices to become a little bit cheaper. I just got stopped out in Ericsson (which we discussed earlier in this thread) and thinking of trying to enter this one again if it reaches somwhere around 12-12,50 SEK. It was a silly trade not based on TA .. it was because of their report yesterday.

                          If I find anyone interesting I will put them out here. If you find any stocks you want me to look at in a fishnet perspective, pls. let me know.


                          • #28
                            Didn't know if this would interest you, but I found this USA ADR, a Swedish stock. It looks like the one we were recently talking about. It popped up in one of the eSignal scans today....



                            • #29
                              Hi Marc , i´m very happy to see your interesse in analysing stocks in the swedish market, i think you have been on all the stocks i suggested in my mail to you ;-) ,, but anyway i think you could be on the right track on SWMA ADR,, even though i don't like to compare the ADR vs. the swedish ones, OMX vs SWMA is like cats and dogs they don't mix ;-) ,,it´s possible to take a good trade right here,,shorting the OMX and take a long on SWMA.
                              ERIC the stock that leeds the OMX are beginning to cave in so it will be an interesting to see what is going too happen next..

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                              • #30
                                Hi again Marc i think i missread you in your post you seems to be worried about an retrecement, in the ADR case check the $ and the OMX the two BIG factors in the SWMA ADR:s posibilities..

