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  • ESTX vs ES

    I believe that the TA on the Eurostoxx50 is much better than on that Woody Allen of indices the ES. Here are some examples from Friday not hand picked but just showing the different time frames compared.

    Daily charts

    Five minute charts 14-00 to 19-00

    One minute chart 15-00 to 16-00


  • #2

    I fully respect your Position as a I do with everyone.

    Though -IMHO- compare a just growing up actually well promising like the ESTX 50 with ES or the The big S&P seems to me little stretched.

    On the other hand I honestly love your brit humor, which I always appreciated: but honestly I do not consider an highly harmonic and technical and liquid and. etc etc Index or Future that leads the whole world ( except the Tokyo's) exchanges as Woody Allen.
    Do not call me stiff, but just I do not have ready the contra-joke!

    A) One individual can have a "feeling" which means read the market and copy it and be attuned with it better than with another one, because it suits more his personal psyc profile. This happens to everyone and is in the human nature.
    Nevertheless THE Others markets are not to be disregarded ( unless something not "clean" arise)

    B) There are a large number of opportunities in the world: let's try to get them. Either on S&P, YM, $VXO, Wheat, Beans, Euro, STX, DAX, GBL, ZN, ZB, whatchmacallit instrument.....

    Afterwards each one will "get that special feeling " with some of those but in the meanwhile, just Reading the markets , he will grown up as a trader with the indispensable continuos education.
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • #3

      Just to add one more point.

      From your charts I see a large number of opportunities on daily S&P that i do not find on STX.

      Not scalping, just opportunities Long & Short.

      Simple speaking: S&P is more volatilr than the others, Dax is its great good fella.

      If we like volatility we love them, if we do not we go towards more pacific path......

      This do not means that STX 50 is Minor versus The others: just a different profile.....
      That's all.

      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


      • #4
        Well, to just add another perspective.....

        I am an American and I have primarily traded the US markets (primarily the ES/YM and some stocks). However, I live in Japan and of course the time difference is somewhat difficult to say the least and I usually only have enough energy for the first couple of hours of the US markets (if that). Thus, I have been looking for alternatives.

        I have tried the Japan TOPIX futures somewhat but actually I do work full time (actually more than full time) plus right now there are very few charting options for the Japan market right now. I am waiting on eSignal to provide feeds for Japan (and possibly Korea).

        So I finally bit the bullet and starting researching the Eurex products. I have been reviewing charts for the Dax, Euro STOXX 50 and the Euro BUND and must say that I do find that they seem to respond beautifully to TA concepts, particularly, support/resistance and trendlines/patterns (almost "picture perfect" as Helen has pointed out).

        I will be watching them over the next couple of weeks to get a "feel" as well as adopt my position sizing/stops and methods to these markets. But I already believe that they will be added to my trading world!


        • #5
          Hi F,

          I agree with you, if you want exciting volatility and you have the skills and trading capital to cope with the wider stops required then of course ES and Dax offer more opportunities. However, for those starting out, or relatively new to futures trading (I've been futures trading a year and consider myself a newbie) ESTX offers a superb training ground at low cost and with good technicals.

          I am deliberately being a bit naughty and trying to wind the ES traders up a bit What saddens me is that so many UK and European traders start off on the ES because they don't know that better alternatives exist. The bund and Bobl are beautiful too
          Last edited by helenquenet; 10-12-2003, 07:18 AM.


          • #6

            Naughty girl.....

            100% of what you saiyng is correct: very good training field , and profitable too, I daily take position on Bund and often O.N.

            Well I would not be so pessimist on the Eurex audience.....since is the biggets Futures Exchange WWD. So........
            Last edited by fabrizio; 10-12-2003, 07:38 AM.
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7
              Allen Cook

              With the permission of the moderator Would be nice have some comments - even if this is not the right forum- on the TOPIX.

              Will you shortly ?

              (Is him allowed Helen?)
              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


              • #8
                Yes by all means never heard of the TOPIX (except the ones with hazlenuts - joke probably doesn't translate but it's a sort of chocolate bar called Topic ).

