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MarketWars comming soon.

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  • MarketWars comming soon.

    Hi everyone!
    I am developing a new idea of visualising data of the market. No charts and classic indicators thou the engine is designed and supported by five screen technical system which I use to trade. Generaly its all about computer game strategies like RTS (command&conquer for example) to look like. This kind of visualisation is more clear with psychological view of the market and technical as well. It apears more like tactical map of the battle. Does anyone know if there were any reasearches before? Or if any of you thought about things like this? If you are interested I could attach some pics of how it looks like now. It has not to nice graphics and the units (tanks, infantry and so on) are plastic but its not the point and I am not a graphic designer )

  • #2
    Sounds neat -- I'd love to see a screenshot.


