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  • Chart Views


    Is it possible to have the 15min chart (see image) appear like a 5min chart? Or at very least have it enlarged?


    Attached Files

  • #2
    I am assuming that you are referring to the compression of the chart on the 15 minute chart. You can play with the scaling parameters by right clicking the chart and you can play with "Auto Scale" and "Scale Price Data Only" to adjust the chart to your liking.

    It looks like the chart is set to Auto Scale which will compress the chart to include all of the visible price data AND the other indicators you have on the chart including the overlaid symbol (that's what it looks like). This is what makes it so compressed on the 15 minute chart as it contains a wider range of information.

    If you want to keep all of the price data but not necessarily the other information visible, then you should also select the Scale Price Data Only option also.


    • #3

      Thanks for getting back me. I tried your suggestion and I still couldn't enlarge it. I even got rid of all the indicators (see attached) and it still appears compressed.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Actually, it looks as though it is not as compressed as before. You may need to play with the settings to get it the way you want. I may not be sure what you mean by "enlarge"; I assumed that you meant the low to high compression. Doesn't look like there is a lot of range in prices, however, losing the indicators is a problem.

        The other thing you can try to do is right click, select "Edit Studies..." and select the overlaid symbols, indicators and at the bottom where there are options for display and scale.

        For example, if the black line is an overlay symbol you would want to select that symbol in the Study Properties dialog box that comes up when you select "Edit Studies..." and try different combinations of Scale and Display selections at the bottom until you find a combination you like. Depending on whether or not you display and where you display the scale will also change the price display relationships.

        Try that and see if it helps.


        • #5

          Thanks. I'll try it out and see how it turns out.



