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degrees of ema

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  • degrees of ema

    Is it possible for someone to wright an efs that will measure the angle of degrees of an ema - if possible the efs should have the ability to edit the type of ema , wrt the size, eg 50 or 100 ema .
    The degrees should be visible on the price chart and out of the way of the price bars .

    I will very much appreciate any help you can give me


  • #2
    You may want to check the efs written by whatever in this thread


    • #3
      Alexis is it possible to have the same efs but in stead of it being seen in the pain under price would it be possible to see it just as a figure on the price charts somewhere ?(not coming in the way of price ?)


      • #4
        I believe that in the same thread there is a version of the efs that writes the value in the price window


        • #5
          Alexis , i dont understand something the slope ema1 .efs ,which is shown at the bottom of the chart , prints a different angle to the slope ema1-2 .efs (which is the efs at the top of the link you sent me ) could you please explain which on is correct . Furthermore if the ema is sloping upwards why is it showing a negative angle ????

          this is vert confusing


          • #6
            sry forgot to attach the snapshot here it is
            Attached Files


            • #7
              You may want to redirect your questions to whatever who wrote the script.


              • #8
                Alexis is it just possible for you or anyone else familiar to efs to write another script because i'm not too happy with what i see on the chart ,added to the fact that it doesn't say that whatever is a moderator which could be the reason for the doggie efs - if you could just show the angle of the ema like has been done on the chart i will really appreaciate it

                Thanks so much


                • #9
                  As far as I can see the values from the two efs are exactly the same (see image below)
                  Also I would not be so quick in dismissing someone's work just because they are not a moderator. Some of the better programmers that you will find in these forums are not moderators. To name just a few (in no particular order) Garth Doverspike, Steve Hare, David Loomis, Chris Kryza and the list goes on....


                  • #10
                    alexis i think there might be soething wrong with the latest download on the ema .i downloaded the file again

                    from rsy posting -Thank you very much!

                    Will you please help me makeing the text bold, and none desimales?


                    Attachment: slope ema1-2 .efs
                    This has been downloaded 4 time(s).
                    this seems to be the same as your posting. however the download after you answered rsy about changing line 51 ie download :
                    I did the bold thing but I did not understand what the last request was.

                    Attachment: slope ema1-2 .efs
                    This has been downloaded 16 time(s).

                    did show different levels - so as far as i can see the more accurate efs is the download by rsy third from the top

                    oncw again thanks for your help


                    • #11

                      When calculating angle, there lies a significant amount of subjectivity.

                      You see, to calculate angle, you have to define what constitutes 45 degrees in terms of rise/run). To illustrate this, take an advanced chart and find an area, which looks like 45 degrees price movement. Using line tools, draw a line (that extends) at the approximate angle. Now compress the points on the chart. When you do this, you will see the x-axis scale change and the y axis autoscale to accommodate the price action over the additional time. You will notice the visual display of the angle of the line will change every time you change the number of points on the screen.

                      The use of angle in analysis is subjective and changes with timeframe. What does not change, is the measure of slope, which is defined as price change over time.

                      So having said that, what you may consider is revising the code to allow you to put in the slope which constitutes 45 degrees (e.g. $1.00 change per hour)

                      However, I would recommend that you use slope as an indicator rather than angle.
                      Last edited by Guest; 05-19-2004, 10:33 AM.

