It should be a good news that Time&Sale problem is solved and will be available around next week.
At the same time, I found my complaint against eSignal desktop API disappeared from this forum. Why deleted it ?
My boss had bad impression on me because of eSignal Desktop API. Is it my fault ? If I lose my bread and butter, who will be responsible for ?
Another problem about this forum: I received many emails from this forum every day even after I changed the option that not to send me email. The options of my profile in this forum do NOT work.
It is so hard for a famous company to make things work. Is eSignal a startup company ?
At the same time, I found my complaint against eSignal desktop API disappeared from this forum. Why deleted it ?
My boss had bad impression on me because of eSignal Desktop API. Is it my fault ? If I lose my bread and butter, who will be responsible for ?
Another problem about this forum: I received many emails from this forum every day even after I changed the option that not to send me email. The options of my profile in this forum do NOT work.
It is so hard for a famous company to make things work. Is eSignal a startup company ?