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ActiveX is not working anymore !!

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  • #16
    The answers for your questions are as follows:
    1 - "Did you upgrade to v 7.5 build 628 just prior to the problem or did the problem first happen and then you upgraded?"
    I was running eSignal v 7.4 the first day but when I saw one reply in this thread I upgraded to the v 7.5 ... so the problem exists before & after the upgrade !!
    2 - "Does this problem always occur at exactly 1:00PM your time?"
    Yes. For the last three days the problem starts exactly at 1 PM ( GMT + 3 ).
    3 - "Does it occur for every symbol, or just certain symbols?"
    I am using now around 8 symbols, the problems occur for all these symbols.
    4 - "For which symbols does data stop working? All of them, or just some (and if some, which ones)?"
    I am using the following symbols:
    XAU A0-FX
    EUR A0-FX
    GBP A0-FX
    JPY A0-FX
    CHF A0-FX
    SAR A0-FX

    Again I am telling you that my program was running for the last 5 months without any problems !!

    Please find a solution ASAP.


    • #17
      It is now the forth day with the same problem & nothing has been done so far.
      Should we stop our business ??!!!!!!!
      Waiting for a REAL response from eSignal.
      Last edited by Adel_Khayata; 01-08-2004, 07:36 AM.


      • #18
        Hi Adel,

        We have been looking into this, but our problem is that we haven't been able to find any problems both in-house and externally with the ActiveX service performing in the manner you describe.

        Would you be willing to send us your program so that we can trouble shoot that to determine where the problem lies? Have you made any changes to the program prior to this problem starting?

        Has anyone else experienced this sort of problem and if so, please describe the nature of the problem and when it began? At this point, we can not find any specific changes we have made on our end that would have this effect on the ActiveX service.

        I look forward to your response.



        • #19
          My program is really simple ... because it just requests the Symbols & when the data comes it just stores it in our database ... That's it !! ... It is not complicated ... & nothing else ... It was working for 5 months !! & I didn;t make any changes to the program since that!!


          • #20
            Hi Adel,

            I would be willing to test your program briefly to see what happens on my connection. I'm sure you are aware that some bugs are very difficult to find if they can't be reproduced by the developers. The fastest way to get this solved would most likely be to generate the most minimal project source you can that still exhibits the problem and then to give the eSignal developers that code.

            Cheers... George


            • #21
              I will include the necessary functions in my program.


              public void RequestSymbols()

              LastUpdate = new System.DateTime[50];

              grid.Rows = 1;

              for ( int i = 0 ; i < dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows.Count ; i++ )
              string symbol = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_SYMB" ].ToString() ;
              esignal.RequestSymbol( symbol , 1 ) ;


              grid.Row = grid.Rows - 1;

              grid.Col = 0;
              grid.Text = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_SYMB" ].ToString();

              grid.Col = 1;
              grid.Text = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_CODE" ].ToString();

              grid.Col = 2;
              grid.Text = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_DATEM" ].ToString();

              grid.Col = 3;
              grid.Text = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_PRICE_ASK" ].ToString();

              grid.Col = 4;
              grid.Text = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_PRICE_BID" ].ToString();

              grid.Col = 5;
              grid.Text = dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_PRICE_LAST" ].ToString();

              LastUpdate[ i ] = (System.DateTime)dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ i ][ "CURR_DATEM" ];

              private void esignal_OnQuoteChanged(string sSymbol)
              IESignal.BasicQuote Quote = new IESignal.BasicQuote() ;
              Quote = esignal.get_GetBasicQuote( sSymbol ) ;


              int rowNumber = GetRowNumberForTheSymbol( sSymbol ) ;
              if ( rowNumber != -1 )
              dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ rowNumber ].BeginEdit() ;

              dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ rowNumber ][ "CURR_DATEM" ] = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() ;
              dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ rowNumber ][ "CURR_PRICE_ASK" ] = Quote.dAsk.ToString() ;
              dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ rowNumber ][ "CURR_PRICE_BID" ] = Quote.dBid.ToString() ;
              dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ rowNumber ][ "CURR_PRICE_LAST" ] = Quote.dLast.ToString() ;

              dataset.Tables[ "MASTER_CURRENCY" ].Rows[ rowNumber ].EndEdit() ;

              grid.Row = rowNumber + 1;

              grid.Col = 2;
              grid.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

              LastUpdate[ rowNumber ] = System.DateTime.Now;

              grid.Col = 3;
              grid.Text = Quote.dAsk.ToString();

              grid.Col = 4;
              grid.Text = Quote.dBid.ToString();

              grid.Col = 5;
              grid.Text = Quote.dLast.ToString();


              DataSet DataSetChanged = dataset.GetChanges( DataRowState.Modified ) ;

              dataset.Merge( DataSetChanged ) ;

              adapter.Update( dataset , "MASTER_CURRENCY" ) ;

              catch ( System.Data.DBConcurrencyException )

              dataset.AcceptChanges() ;

              I hope that this will help


              • #22
                Thanks Adel,

                Unfortunately I still can't run that code to test. What I was trying to get at was to create a new project that doesn't use any existing code, doesn't connect to a database, etc. Create a project that does one thing and nothing else. It would connect to eSignal and request quotes for one symbol and nothing else. In the OnQuoteChanged event, simply print to the console (or other location) that the data arrived and what the data was. Do not attempt to put the data in a database. We need to isolate the ActiveX connection functionality from everything else you have in your existing app. That is the only way we can be sure the problem lies with the ActiveX control (or something else in its path to the data). If this minimal app that does nothing but listen for one symbol, and then does next to nothing with that data, stops functioning at 1:00PM, then send that minimal project code to the developers at eSignal so they can use the same code to test with that you used to demonstrate that the bug is there.

                If this minimal app doesn't stop at 1:00PM, try requesting all the symbols you need instead of just one. Does it stop working then?

                Cheers... George

