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Back test efs for Strategy to not take signals

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  • Back test efs for Strategy to not take signals

    I am trying to work out the back testing formula code for situation(s) where no signals are to be taken i.e. take no strategy action to go long or short – stay flat – do not do anything.

    The scenario is as follows. I have two moving averages as a band (or envelope) say an eight period MA of the highs and a ten period MA of the lows. When the price bars are inside (between) the MA channels no trades are to be initiated – period. This will be the case irrespective of whatever is exhibited by any indicators.

    How do I code the back test efs to not take any trading action and stay flat?

    I have spent many hours searching through the forum but cannot see anything on this.

    Can someone please help me.


  • #2
    Re: Back test efs for Strategy to not take signals

    One way is to first create a variable that contains the condition in which you want the trades to be executed eg
    var myCondition = (High > UpperBand || Low < LowerBand);
    Then enclose all your strategy in a conditional statement that checks is myCondition is true eg
    write your strategy here

    The strategy will execute only if the main condition is true ie either the High or the Low of a bar are outside of the bands.
    Hope this helps

    Originally posted by charttrader
    I am trying to work out the back testing formula code for situation(s) where no signals are to be taken i.e. take no strategy action to go long or short – stay flat – do not do anything.

    The scenario is as follows. I have two moving averages as a band (or envelope) say an eight period MA of the highs and a ten period MA of the lows. When the price bars are inside (between) the MA channels no trades are to be initiated – period. This will be the case irrespective of whatever is exhibited by any indicators.

    How do I code the back test efs to not take any trading action and stay flat?

    I have spent many hours searching through the forum but cannot see anything on this.

    Can someone please help me.



    • #3

      Thanks for your quick response. You are a real life saver.

      I will incorporate your advice in my code.

      Best wishes and regards



      • #4
        You are most welcome

        Originally posted by charttrader

        Thanks for your quick response. You are a real life saver.

        I will incorporate your advice in my code.

        Best wishes and regards


