Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro kenac
The attached revision fixes the errors in your efs.
Thanks Alex. If only the CCI window is displayed by my setting setPriceStudy(false), the LSMA is also plotted in the CCI window.
Is there a way to plot/display only the CCIs without the LSMA, but still have all the LSMA values being generated within the program?
With the attached file, how do I get the yellow line 34cci always on top of both the black 14cci and the red 6cci; and the black 14cci on top of the red 6cci?
As far as I can see the yellow plot is not the 34cci but the 14cci.
Irrespective the z order is determined by the position in the return array with the last element being the topmost.
You will also need to redefine the commands that set the thickness (lines 42-45), the labels (lines 112-122) and the colors (lines 156-159).