Hi guys. Just a quick note on Ehler's Swami_Stochastic.efs. It works fine on eSig V11 but on V10.6 generates an error that reads "Parameter Number 2 of Function Color.RGB is invalid." That line being #131 setBarFgColor(Color.RGB(colorR, colorG, colorB), i);
No big thing. And if you're trying to get across the message that V11 can run some studies that V10.6 can not I also understand that from a business point of view. Not to pick nicks but you have it labeled as "Version: 1.00 11/01/2012." Ehlers is a very bright guy but I checked his credentials and Time Traveler was not listed. But if he is then I think it's is an unfair market analysis advantage and the authorities should be notified. I leave that decision in your hands.
No big thing. And if you're trying to get across the message that V11 can run some studies that V10.6 can not I also understand that from a business point of view. Not to pick nicks but you have it labeled as "Version: 1.00 11/01/2012." Ehlers is a very bright guy but I checked his credentials and Time Traveler was not listed. But if he is then I think it's is an unfair market analysis advantage and the authorities should be notified. I leave that decision in your hands.