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Tick added to a chart as a study

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  • Tick added to a chart as a study

    I am wondering if you can help to devise a formula so that I can add $tick to the bottom of a chart as you would add a study for example cci or rsi.

    I currently have es #f with vol on a chart, but would like to also add candlesticks of $tick (nyse) below the volume.

    I am aware that an efs study is available for tick extremes (in single colour bars) but I actually need the candlesticks to show as they are an integral part of my needs.

    Many thanks


  • #2
    Hello Harjap,

    There are a couple studies in our EFS Library that will do this for you. See, SymbolCompareAsNPS.efs and SymbolCompareAsNPS2.efs. After applying one of these studies to your chart, go to Edit Studies and enter the $TICK symbol.

    Jason K.
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    • #3
      Hi Jason, thanks for posting the link, I was particularly interested in the second efs which shows the tick as bars rather than a line.

      Unfortunately it seems that the tick data shown (I use a 2 min chart) is displayed slightly delayed under the es chart by 3 bars.
      Would you be able to determine where the problem may be.

      I am posting a chart to show the delay in tick


      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hello Harjap,

        This issue is not a delay, but rather a synchronization issue between the two symbols. The advanced chart does not automatically adjust for zero volume bars for the external symbol being referenced. This issue will be handled with EFS2 in the 7.9 release. For now, there are two things you can do. Use a time template that only covers the trading sessions for the symbol with the least amount of bar data. Or you can set your symbol up in the EFS as a spread to force a bar-to-bar synchronization by simply adding and then subtracting the main chart symbol you're using. In your case, enter the following symbol in the EFS, $TICK + ES #F=2 - ES #F=2.

        By the way, that little spread symbol trick was thought up by Alexis not too long ago. Hat's off to you again Alex.
        Jason K.
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        • #5
          Actually Harjap, you should also do the reverse of the spread for the main chart symbol as well. If you visit this thread, you can read a more detailed explanation of this synch issue with a slightly better solution.
          Jason K.
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          • #6
            Thanks Jason, I've brought up the efs today and there is no delay, I'll keep an eye on it and if the delay happens again will change the symbols as directed.

            Just a question, is it possible to edit the efs to show candles instead of bars?


            • #7
              Hello rehillharjap2,

              To create a candlestick affect with this EFS, what you need to do is comment out the two drawLine calls used to draw the marks for the open and close. Then add another drawLine function that draws a line from the open to the close value instead. Set the thickness to be a little wider that what used for the line between the high and low. If you want to control the color for the body line, just check the relationship of the open and close and set a variable to the corresponding colors you want to use and pass that variable in the drawLine call for the color parameter.
              Jason K.
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              • #8
                Hello Jason,

                it seems that this synchronization issue is not gone with 7.9 or is it necessary to reprogram these SymbolCompare-Studies?



                • #9
                  Hello zottl,

                  These studies are not using EFS2 code, which is why the synch issue still exists. I'll make some newer versions that utilize EFS2 functionality that should solve the problem.
                  Jason K.
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                  • #10
                    That would be great!!

                    Thanks Jason


                    • #11
                      Hello zottl,

                      Both of these studies have been updated to use EFS2 to resolve the synching issue. Visit the links below to download the "_EFS2.efs" versions.

                      Jason K.
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                      eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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                      • #12

                        I started using SymbolCompareAsNPS.efs (EFS2 version) today and am having a problem. My main symbol is $TICK and I have two studies using the efs: $TICKI and $SPX. While the $TICK chart will update when $TICK changes the two studies will not necessarily update when their value changes. I know when I ran another similar study (different in code but similar in output) under EFS1 that SPX and TICKI would update.

                        How can I make the studies update so their last value equals the value in a quote window?



                        • #13
                          Can anyone help me with this?

                          I tried using SymbolCompareAsNPS.efs (EFS2 version) with $TICK as my main symbol and $SPX as my study symbol. My time interval is 30S. The study only updates when a new bar for $TICK is created, thus using the $SPX open price. This seems wrong as the efs calls for the close price.

                          However, when I switch to a 1-minute interval the efs works as expected, always showing the close price for SPX in the study. Is this a bug or is there an adjustment that has to be made to the efs?


                          • #14
                            Hello buhrmaster,

                            I don't have an answer for you at the moment, but I will be looking into this soon.
                            Jason K.
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                            • #15
                              Hello buhrmaster,

                              We've gotten to the bottom of this issue. I'm happy to report there is no problem with the EFS2 version. What it does is correct. The EFS1 version was actually returning the wrong results. Let me try to explain.

                              In EFS1, we did not have synchronization between symbols (or intervals). The main issue was that the EFS1 engine did not take into consideration the time stamps of the trades. It simply compared data based on relative bar indexes, which would not always have the same time stamp due to zero volume bars in one of the symbols or different trading sessions between the two symbols. What was happening in the EFS1 version of the SymbolCompareAsNPS formula is that it would reflect the last price from the 0 bar of the external symbol regardless of the time stamp for the most recent update. For the chart symbol, a new bar only forms when a trade for the chart's symbol in the new interval has occurred. The external symbol may have already had a few updates for that new interval, which hadn't been formed yet in the chart. EFS1 would display those updates on the 0 bar in error before the new interval had formed where those $tick updates actually occurred. What you are seeing in the EFS2 version is the last price for the $tick that occurred for the current bar interval being displayed in the chart. Once the chart's interval has closed you will not see anymore updates of the $tick until the new bar is formed in the chart. Does this help?
                              Jason K.
                              Project Manager
                              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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