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Two Symbols

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  • Two Symbols

    Appologies if this is an FAQ but I can't find any reference to it in the Help files.

    Is it possible to put two symbols to a single Advanced chart?



  • #2
    Hi Ian,

    Well, it all depends on what you are trying to do. If you are writing an efs study to call more than one symbol in a chart, that can be done. I believe in our latest beta the symbol limit has been increased to 5. If you're looking at an overlay feature, we do have some contained in our Library forum. You can view what we have here. There's snapshot's of what they look like in each thread.

    Hope this helps.



    • #3
      Hi Andy,
      What I'd like to do is to plot tick charts of the DJ Cash and DJ Futures in the same chart space. They're close enough in price to be displayed without fudging the price scale.

      I'd also like to draw an indicator in a separate pane showing the actualy price difference on a yick-by-tick basis. Unfortunately, I'm not very clever with the eSignal Language...

      Would any of the studies do this? I'd say not quite (




      • #4
        Hi Andy,
        I've tried symOverlay2.efs and RelativeStrengthRatio.efs but they don't seem to work on Tick charts.

        I'd like to plot the $INDU and YM M3 in the same chart space and then perhaps add an indictor to plot the difference between them. Is there anything out there that would help?




        • #5

          For tick charts, I would suggest using SymOverlay.efs (no '2'), which is pre-loaded into the \eSignal\Formulas\Library\ folder. This will automatically load in $INDU, and will work with a tick chart. I'll have a separate EFS posted shortly that displays the difference in a study pane.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            Hi Jay,
            The one in my Library folder is called symOverlay.efs while the one AndyS referred to and which I downloaded is called symOverlay2.efs.

            I opened a Tick chart of YM M3 and tried symOverylay.efs but it gives the message:

            ...symOverlay.efs, Loading Data...

            This message stays on screen forever and never gets around to actually plotting anything.

            symOverlay2.efs does plot but it plots the $SPX. If I enter $INDU into the nSymbol box in the Edit Study window, the plot disappears and the 'Loading data...' message appears.

            Am I doing something wrong?




            • #7
              In looking at this further, symOverlay will not work correctly on tick charts. The data seems to "slide" at a different rate then the overlayed symbol. I suspect this has to do with the unknown x-axis scale, but I'll pass this along to our developers to identify in more detail.

              In case you still need the Premium EFS, I have attached it below.
              Attached Files
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #8
                Hi Jay,
                Many thanks for that.

                I've plotted the YM Premium study in a Tick YM M3 chart and I get the 'Loading Data...' message...



                • #9
                  This seems to work ok for me. It might just be that there is too much data being requested depending on your Time Template. Is your chart in "Dynamic" mode, or is it requesting a a specified amount? If the latter, you may want to reduce that amount to 2-3 days.

                  Jay F.
                  Product Manager
                  Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                  Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                  • #10
                    Hi Jay - hey, I got it working!

                    I had to close all the other charts down and restart eSignal, but it's working now, thanks. Although the plot has disappeared since the real-time data stopped... Is there a study that will retain the plot so you can study historical data?

                    And the studies with the Loading Data message have plotted, too. What's the situation with the Time Template? Everything was set to Dynamic, by the way. Is there a limit to how many symbols eSignal will plot? I'm on an ADSL connection.




                    • #11
                      Hi Jay,
                      I've been using this for the last few days - very useful, thank you very much.

                      Couple of Qs:

                      As reported in previous message, it does not always plot upon loading, instead giving a Loading Data message. I sometimes have to quit and restart eSignal several times and remove any other chart windows before it plots, particularly with Tick data. I'm running a 2.4Gb PC with 768Mb RAM, Win XP and have an ADSL conection. What could be causing this?

                      Secondly, soon after the plot and ticks appear on the right hand edge of the screen, they start to drift apart. The YM ticks move across the screen faster than the plot so it's impossible to see where the plots and ticks lined up historically. Can anything be done to correct this?




                      • #12
                        Hello Ian,

                        Originally posted by iantrader
                        Couple of Qs:

                        As reported in previous message, it does not always plot upon loading, instead giving a Loading Data message. I sometimes have to quit and restart eSignal several times and remove any other chart windows before it plots, particularly with Tick data. I'm running a 2.4Gb PC with 768Mb RAM, Win XP and have an ADSL conection. What could be causing this?
                        As mentioned before, I suspect this has to do with the amount of data being requested on the chart. What Time Template are you using? A summary of the Template is seen in the upper left-hand corner of the Advanced Chart as seen below.

                        Secondly, soon after the plot and ticks appear on the right hand edge of the screen, they start to drift apart. The YM ticks move across the screen faster than the plot so it's impossible to see where the plots and ticks lined up historically. Can anything be done to correct this?
                        This is a bug in Tick Charts, and is caused by the unknown x-axis scale that is inherent to tick charts. When two tick charts are overlayed and one updates faster then the other then they can "slide" past the slower symbol. We have been able to duplicate the issue, and the developers are aware.
                        Jay F.
                        Product Manager
                        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                        • #13
                          Hi Jay,

                          To the first, I'm using the deafult - never got into Time Templates - which says:

                          Tick(YM M3,T) Dynamic,0:00-24:00

                          Is this okay or do I need to change it?

                          Secondly, are the developers planning on fixing the bug? If so, how long will it take and how will I hear about it? Would it be possible to post a message here?



                          Originally posted by JayF
                          Hello Ian,

                          As mentioned before, I suspect this has to do with the amount of data being requested on the chart. What Time Template are you using? A summary of the Template is seen in the upper left-hand corner of the Advanced Chart as seen below.

                          This is a bug in Tick Charts, and is caused by the unknown x-axis scale that is inherent to tick charts. When two tick charts are overlayed and one updates faster then the other then they can "slide" past the slower symbol. We have been able to duplicate the issue, and the developers are aware.


                          • #14
                            With regard to the Time Templates, I have had more success setting a specified amount of data on tick charts, since once all the data is loaded eSignal no longer needs to make any requests for historical data, if the chart is scrolled back. For a tick chart, I would suggest setting this to 2 days. An FAQ on setting up a Time Template, can be found here.
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #15
                              Regarding the bug, the time frame for a fix has not yet been established as the bug was recently identified. I would imagine that a fix will not be in the upcoming release of 7.3 (end of this month,) but instead in a later release (either 7.4 (~Q3) or 8.0 (~Q4).)
                              Jay F.
                              Product Manager
                              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

