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Fibbonacci diagnol

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  • Fibbonacci diagnol

    Can anyone make an efs so that i can have fibonnaci levels diagoonally - ie there's a fib tool which gives retracement levels on the horizontal is there a way of making a fib tool that will show line for 38% 50% 62% etc , with varying levels of retracements that will plot in a diagnol sort of way???


  • #2
    What heck are the diagonal Fibonacci retracements?

    Download Pyratool and you'll have something diagonal.
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • #3
      Sorry Fab, i don't want just anything diagnal ,i need fib retracements diagonally. They are something similar to gann lines just that they might be called fibonacci fanns??


      • #4
        Try the Fib Circle tool. It isn't what you asked for, but may get you in the ball park. You could extend rays from the circles.


        • #5
          Sorry Gavishti, i've seen the fib circle but it's not what i need .
          The tool i need is one where you go from low to high and instead of it showing horizontal line retracements it shows them as diagnol retracements i thought everyone would know about this tool seems i was mistaken you can find the tool i'm looking for on most online forex charts



          • #6
            Originally posted by silverxx12
            Sorry Fab, i don't want just anything diagnal ,i need fib retracements diagonally. They are something similar to gann lines just that they might be called fibonacci fanns??
            no needs at all to be sorry, really. The fact is that what you look for does not exist. What you probably have seen in diagonal on my thread is a particular setting of PYRATOOL in which Chris and I we exclude the horizontal , vertical and diagonal UP lines. So what is left is only red diagonal lines.

            Stay put with Fibo , there is a life to study it to just trade with that : and in it there is everithing you need. Believe me.

            Use your Fibo retracements and your Fibo extensions.
            Fibo Circlke is more gimmick, leave it aside for the moment . Just be master in those two. But if you do not what look for any tool is useless.

            Go back to the XTL trading approach. Is safe, complete and intitive and easy. Believe me. Once you are confortable withb that, thanlet's move to something more complex.
            Stay on % min, XTL , Breakout , , continuation trade and the whole stuff that you already have been through.

            Trust my words. XTL. .386 retace continuation trade and let's go.
            Trust me .
            Or trust Marcus.
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7

              is it this what you mean?

              Is a pyratool , with a RTC plus a fibo ret.
              Last edited by fabrizio; 12-29-2003, 07:49 AM.
              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


              • #8
                Fab,go to fx. trek charts you can sign in for free -under the draw line tool says fibonnacci .When you then draw from high to low you get fibonacci horizontal and angle see for yourself


                • #9
                  can youn post the right url please ? I'm curios.
                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • #10
                    Fab too big to post url go to gci trading platform and under line ,on the top you have an option to draw lines from the drop down menu .click the drop down menu and go to fibonacci- it's not hard to access at all


                    • #11
                      Ok Silver

                      now I understand what you mean.

                      Are the Fibonacci FannLines available AFAIK only in a program that I have which is of Jens Fischer.

                      If you are interest I have:
                      Fiibonacci Retracements
                      Fibo Extensions
                      Fibo Timre Goals
                      Phi Ellipse
                      Phi Channel
                      Phi Spiral
                      Fibo Arcs
                      Fibo Fannlines
                      Fibo Timezones
                      Fibo Circle
                      FIBO GANN TIME & PRICES
                      Pitch forks

                      This is all - i believe - the Fibonacci tools available for a chartist.
                      But Silver , back to my firts pots, each one is in someway usefull if you have a plan . Bette4r if you knbow what look for .

                      Buy this book please:

                      Than chart and trade with what you have learnede from the first book. You will see that it is enough .

                      Than buy THE NEW FIBONACCI TRADER. both are by Robert Fisher and his father Jens and get into t. But for cGod sake follow One PATH , the one that you like the most. DO not get OUTFOCUSED . You like this job? show to yourself first the discipline to MASTER one tecnique. Just one. Master the XTL . and then go forward .
                      Trust me.
                      Last edited by fabrizio; 12-29-2003, 08:56 AM.
                      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                      • #12
                        You know what I use to trade?
                        Fibo ret
                        Fibo Ext

                        1 Osc.

                        This is it.
                        Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                        • #13
                          Is it at all possible to make an efs for this type of fibonacci now that you know what i'm talking about???


                          • #14
                            Are the Fibonacci FannLines available AFAIK only in a program that I have which is of Jens Fischer.

                            If you are interest I have:
                            Fiibonacci Retracements
                            Fibo Extensions
                            Fibo Timre Goals
                            Phi Ellipse
                            Phi Channel
                            Phi Spiral
                            Fibo Arcs
                            Fibo Fannlines
                            Fibo Timezones
                            Fibo Circle
                            FIBO GANN TIME & PRICES
                            Pitch forks

                            Fab didn't understand the first line-but interested to know if an efs can be made of fibo timezones-and what are phi ellipses anything similar to tj ellipse??


                            • #15

                              Let's make a deal: you tell me exactly for what purpose and strategy you need the Fibo fann Lines and you 'll have it.

                              Deadline for the answer is 11:40 Chicago time

                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

