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7.9 Crash on loading *Now Resolved*

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  • #16
    We continue to investigate this problem, and as soon as our developers have more information on this issue, they will post in this thread. Thank you for your patience.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #17
      Edit: This post is outdated. Please use the listed above, or wait until a new installer is created later this morning.

      Looks like about 5 people submitted crash reports last night. Thanks!

      For those that are on 7.9 Beta/1 and have not reverted back to 7.8, can you try this temporarily to see if it will get up and running:

      0. exit eSignal.
      1. edit C:\Windows\Winsig.ini with notepad.exe or any other text editor.
      2. add the following lines:


      3. start eSignal.

      Let me know if that helps. Thanks.


      • #18
        just tried your fix and it seems to work, i an now live with esignal 7.9 Beta,

        i have not used 7.9 before so i don't now what to try that is unique to it so i will have a play and see how it performs,

        also Winsig.ini was listed as Winsig


        • #19
          shogun, did you provide an email in your crash report? If so, you will be receiving a winsig.exe that may also fix the problem without editing winsig.ini. If that's the case, could you back out of that winsig.ini change, and just unzip that new over your old winsig.exe and see if it still works?

          With the change in the .ini file below, it will disable continuous contracts. With the new .exe it should fix things plus re-enable the continuous contracts.

          If I don't have your email, please send it to me at dloy [at]



          • #20

            i have got your email, i will give it a go now and see how it goes.


            • #21
              Hi folks, we've managed to duplicate this in house I believe it has to do with user accounts that are NOT entitled for Market Depth.

              If you're interested in a fix, please unzip this file into your \Program Files\eSignal folder.

              Only do so if you are running on v7.9 and experiencing the crash. If you use this update (build 704), you do NOT need to modify the winsig.ini file as described below.


              • #22

                i hate to be the bearer of bad news but i am still getting the crash with the winsig704 update, you should have got the crash report by now,


                • #23
                  shogun, from the crash report it says you are still using Build 703 (the original 7.9).

                  The zip file contained Build 704. Are you sure you overwrote winsig.exe in your \Program Files\eSignal directory? Be sure to unzip that file into \Program Files\eSignal, and not just download/copy it in .



                  • #24

                    it might be a fault on my side with the install because if i use the original 7.9 Beta shortcut on the desktop i get the crash so i created a new shortcut of the winsig Application and now there is no problem , all seems ok.


                    • #25

                      ignore that last post it was my fault that the winsig704 upgrade would not work on the desktop shortcut ,as i created a new location for esignal 7.9 Beta to see if it would run on the 7.8 Data Manager and forgot to change it back so all is well now, thanks for your time.


                      • #26
                        Thank you for the information and I'm glad you're now able to use the 7.9 release. From the positive feedback and more internal testing with the new build that Dion sent you, I've updated the beta installer and it's now posted Here.

                        Thanks for working so well with us to solve this problem quickly.


                        • #27

                          I was out of town all day today and could not try the fix earlier. I am happy to confirm that once I arrived back home, the new winsig.exe I downloaded worked very well and resolved the issue completely. I would like to thank everyone on your end for their work in resolving this issue.


