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Database Connection

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  • Database Connection

    I am currently connecting to mySQL database via the excel dde functions but is there a way to connect directly to the database?

    Can I use the standard Java DB Connections in my code or is there something better?

  • #2
    Hello jnorton,

    That functionality does not currently exist in EFS. Feel free to send a suggestion to our development team at [email protected].
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
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    • #3
      How is the connection made using the Excel DDE Function?

      jnorton - Can you tell me how you are doing this, I want to do something similar at home, I would love to hear how you did this?

      Thanks a million,



      • #4
        Database Connection

        What I did is really awkword but it works great. I used the DDE link to excel. From there I wrote a macro that saves the data as a txt file. Being a linux guy I then wrote a crontab job that takes the txt file and uploads the data into a MySql Database.

        I know I could have done the same thing using ODBC instead of the txt file but txt is more reliable and it also gives me an archive if I need to rebuild the dataset.

        If you need more help feel free to write back


        • #5
          what about through ODBC?

          I know there is a way of doing this through an ODBC connection directly, but I wish I knew how they had it configured. What I am looking to do is to build out an admin function for my efs that I can control through a graphical interface (http). The GUI would read the values from the DB, and so would the EFS on every certain cycle.

          I guess I can do the same thing through flat file control as well. I am kind of into Linux myself. I have some questions for you, I am going to take this offline and private message you.

          Thanks for your help . . .


