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Feed/connection monitor

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  • Feed/connection monitor


    Is there a study which alerts user when the feed is not updated [no new ticks/ no change in bid/ask] for [user defined] period of time???

    The point of all alerts allow user to not stare at the monitor all the time. THIS ALERT is a base alert if feed is not updated all other alerts will fail to fire on time.

    Any info or effort here, would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    You may want to see the reply to a similar question posted in this thread


    • #3
      Yes, that thread points out the problem. Solution is pretty simple and can be done with custom EFS. This will be posted in both threads...

      I am not that good with EFS code, but I do have experience in software development.
      This feature can be implemented via EFS in following steps:
      1) take snapashot#1 of ticker (last price/bid/ask)
      2) start timer using local computers clock
      3) keep taking snapshots and storing them in snapshot#2
      4) when timer fires, compare snapshot#1 with snapshot #2
      5) if they are different - good, start over
      6) if they are the same - produce alert
      7) start over; if things restore to a good state, stop alert


      • #4
        Originally posted by dimitryg1
        Yes, that thread points out the problem. Solution is pretty simple and can be done with custom EFS. This will be posted in both threads...

        I am not that good with EFS code, but I do have experience in software development.
        This feature can be implemented via EFS in following steps:
        1) take snapashot#1 of ticker (last price/bid/ask)
        2) start timer using local computers clock
        3) keep taking snapshots and storing them in snapshot#2
        4) when timer fires, compare snapshot#1 with snapshot #2
        5) if they are different - good, start over
        6) if they are the same - produce alert
        7) start over; if things restore to a good state, stop alert

        FWIW I've been using eSignal everyday, all day for over 3 years and I never recall any outage.

        If there were even a complicated solution possible within EFS I can assure you Alex or Jason, or someone would have written one.

        The issue I believe is as an event driven program any EFS relies on a tick to arrive in order to gain control and execute.

        You could write somethng outside of EFS that reads from an external file populated by a running EFS, detecting somehow that the data feed has terminated.

        You could also issue some type of "heartbeat" alerts periodically when the feed it active,perhaps a sound of some kind, and when the heartbeat stops it would indicate the feed has dropped.
        Glen Demarco
        [email protected]

