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Free Price Profile study

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  • #31
    In conclusion, this study is an ongoing development project and its purpose was to add value to the eSignal community. The current implementation was designed within the graphical contraints of the efs language, to sit beneath the price chart without obscuring its view. It helps conveniently display price distribution (daily & composite) and shifting market value.

    As a mathematican, balancing the pure form with realities such as the development environment and investment of time is a common problem. So to prevent any further confusion I have renamed this PriceProfile.
    Paul Williams
    Strategy & Applications


    • #32
      Would you all like me to get Steve Hawkins to provide some comments or answer any questions for the forum? i'm sure he would be happy to join us some evening.



      • #33
        For the extent I know him I am sure that Steve Hawkins - a very available and "down to earth" person despite his wide knoweldge and experience on the Topic and on the markets- will be happy to join shortly this Forum.

        It will be a great thing : as a matter of fact everyone will have the chance to learn something.
        Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


        • #34
          a constructive discussion would be very welcome
          Paul Williams
          Strategy & Applications


          • #35

            A constructive discussion about what?

            This is a MP ON ES #F

            This is a MP with OVERLAY, as a clear demonstartion that the ESIGNAL MP OVERLAY PERFECTLY WORK

            What else?
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #36

              I don't understand the purpose of some of your postings on this thread. You normally seem to possess a much more positive demeanor.

              It seems that you are more interested in spitting hairs over efs names or proving the extent of your intellect in regard to MP than getting a discussion going. (The ego is a dangerous thing)

              Market Profile is a mapping tool. The mapped info can be used to create a data series that can be used in an efs for automated systems trading.

              Most Esignal users are aware of its $10 MP add-on service (its capabilities and LIMITATIONS)

              I think Paul has clearly stated (and it is a well known fact) that efs has its limitations as well.

              Would I like to see Paul write an efs or have Esignal improve their MP service so that it could do what the following MP software does? (visit the link below and click on thumbnail) YES!

              As you are aware, there are many ways to use the information provided from Market Profiling. In fact, many more ways than even Steidalmayer, Hawkins and Koy have shown to use it in their writings and seminars. For those of us who have chosen to automate our MP trading, Paul's FREE efs has proven extremely useful. (Thank you, Paul)


              • #37
                this software has existed for 9 months without incident.

                Paul has previously adjusted the software pursuant to user requests.

                Paul even accomodated a title change.

                I think Paul's job is done. This is a fine product as is. I agree that no futher comment or discussion is necessary.

                We are all free to use whichever software we want.



                • #38
                  Re: Fabrizio

                  I don't understand the purpose of some of your postings on this thread. You normally seem to possess a much more positive demeanor.

                  >I thank you for this and I appreciate the evidence of a constant support to others.
                  Quite easy: someone said that ESIG MP does not have capacity of Overlay. From this untrue allegation I took the handle to define my objective opinion on what is or not a MP.

                  >It seems that you are more interested in spitting hairs over efs names or proving the extent of your intellect in regard to MP than getting a discussion going. (The ego is a dangerous thing)

                  Ego for a trader is very dangerous thing. Big Ego is indispensable for a CEO. Beside that , no discussion at all: just a accurate defdinition of what is or not a MP. Politelòy I said in the beginning that many would thanks futurenets for his valuable job. Period.
                  Do not transform a cheese cake in an apple pie. Futurenets perfectly knows it , and I have no sort of polemics with him. Just I consider void of minimal knowledge who consider a cheese cake an apple pie. Period.

                  For everithing there is a correct and necessary education: someone doew not have it and is proud not to. Aristotelically I know that I do not Know and I study as much as possible in order to be minimally educated tio understand what others talk about.

                  Market Profile is a mapping tool. The mapped info can be used to create a data series that can be used in an efs for automated systems trading.

                  Most Esignal users are aware of its $10 MP add-on service (its capabilities and LIMITATIONS)

                  I think Paul has clearly stated (and it is a well known fact) that efs has its limitations as well.

                  Would I like to see Paul write an efs or have Esignal improve their MP service so that it could do what the following MP software does? (visit the link below and click on thumbnail) YES!

                  > At the present moment MP from Esignal is among the best 3 arounf:
                  First: ASPEN
                  SECOND: CQG
                  THIRD: ESIGNAL

                  Aside we have Capital Flow 32 , a fantastic soft from Hawkins- Steidlmayer based on LDB. Very specific but enormously powerfull.

                  Beside those I do not know anithing else around.

                  MP is much more tahn a mapping . Is a whole approach . Beside that Everithing can be improved : so will be for all the soft around.

                  >As you are aware, there are many ways to use the information provided from Market Profiling. In fact, many more ways than even Steidalmayer, Hawkins and Koy have shown to use it in their writings and seminars. For those of us who have chosen to automate our MP trading, Paul's FREE efs has proven extremely useful. (Thank you, Paul)

                  Please in your quote do not forget Jones......
                  I am a disciplined discretionary trader. To Mp is dedicated costantly a Screen in my office and I keep on studiyng in order to be more consistent in the use of MP, though It IS NOT my main methodology.

                  I stated that many would thank futurenets for his job. And so it is.

                  Futurenets said that open a discussion is welcome: about his tool for sure.
                  If you want to open it on its tool as market profile , please you are welcome. This place is free.

                  None take it wrong or personally if someone else step in and says : "Hey, but this is not a MP".

                  It is not against anybody but is a matter of fact.
                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • #39
                    To reiterate ... this study will hopefully add value to the eSignal community.

                    The current implementation was designed within the graphical contraints of the efs language, to sit beneath the price chart without obscuring its view. It helps conveniently display price distribution (daily & composite) and shifting market value.

                    Development is ongoing but users may also wish to research other products discussed below.
                    Paul Williams
                    Strategy & Applications


                    • #40
                      thank you for your support Christine and to everyone who has emailed me personally. Its now clear that this study is of use to the eSignal community albeit written within the graphical contraints of the efs language.

                      For users who wish to get more functionality, they can subscribe to eSignals market profile product.
                      Paul Williams
                      Strategy & Applications


                      • #41
                        Thread has been renamed to Price Profile study and is now closed. Please start a new thread if further discussion is desired.


