For the 10.6 version there is a FormulaOutput.txt file in C\Program Files\eSignal Directory, eSignal 11 does not write to any files. I've sent in a Feature Request to our Product Managers that the Output file be added in a future release.
Originally posted by dloomis This technique must not work when I define a different directory to store FormulaOutput. I can't find the file, using 10.6 still.
BTW if I remember correctly changing the FormulaOutput root in the EFS Settings changes the location of the FormulaOutput folder and not that of the formulaoutput.log file. I believe that is hard coded to be in the eSignal folder. If you are using Win7 with UAC enabled then it should be in the VirtualStore folder which is hidden by default [use Folder Options in Win7 to display hidden folders]