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HELP w/ editing new cci

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  • HELP w/ editing new cci

    I've installed the new formula. It has all the bells and whistles !!
    but , I'm having these editing problems;

    1-no pivot data
    2- HOD and LOD lines don't start until 9:30 my time
    ( when I change the times in edit mode , it doesnt seem to affect the HOD lines)
    3-can't get ' Closed " signs to turn off

    please help,
    Last edited by ginofd; 03-09-2004, 10:55 AM.

  • #2

    It seems you are referring to an EFS file (Woodie's?), but I'm unsure. Could you attach the EFS file to your reply so we can see what you are referring to? FYI, to attach a file to a post use the Attach File area as seen in the below screenshot.

    If you are using Woodie's new CCI, I suspect you are in a different Time Zone then what the .ach and EFS files were designed for. If that's the case you'll need to customize your Time Templates by going to Chart Options --> Time Templates --> Edit... and then change the times in the Templates that came with the .ach file.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #3
      gno, what time zone are you in?


      • #4
        Jayf -response


        Yes it is the new Woodie CCI.
        Ive adjusted the time template already.
        and tried editing the formula.
        But the listed items are still a problem.

        I have attached the files i used.

        thanks ,


        • #5
          here is the file,,,I hope
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Woodie is not recommending the use of this file, there is another new set at


            • #7
              another response


              I think I've discovered the detail to be addressed.

              It seems the Woodie program for HOD/LOD is set to start at 9;30 EST and end at 16:15 EST.And there is no editing parameter for this.
              I changed my computer time to EST and the Pivots and HOD/LOD kicked in at the right place.

              Is there a way to make/change an offset in Esignal time relative to my computer.
              ( somewhere i read that the Esignal chart time locks on to the computer date/time)

              I strongly believe this would correct my problems.



              • #8
                Originally posted by dloomis
                Woodie is not recommending the use of this file, there is another new set at

                It's a great job you and others did on the Woodies CCI templates. I do have a question I hope you could help out with.

                I'm in a timezone that is totally on the other end. (EST +13) It's 10:30pm here when it's 9:30am there. Is there any way I can get the chart (pivots and stuff that depends on time) to work?

                I tried editing the default times in the 2 efs scripts to my own times but that failed to have any effect. Chart shows YM as "Closed" still despite the changes. Any ideas?


                • #9
                  Help with Woodie EFS

                  I am trying to use the new woodie efs. I adjusted the time templates for CST, but now all my pivot points say "No Data". Anyone know why this is happening? This is for YM and all other time template....


                  • #10
                    A fix for this is coming out soon, maybe tonite...


                    • #11
                      Woodie CCI pivots......

                      I have found that the pivots only work when the time template is set to 24 hrs.

                      Or you can edit your own template to:
                      start time= 00:00
                      end time= 00:00

                      What i have done is to make one timeframe ( within the time template) set to these numbers,
                      then place it on the favorites toolbar.
                      I can view the pivot points periodically by clicking on that one timeframe.



                      • #12
                        I have not studied the EFS so I am not sure as to the formula for the pivot points. However, I would think that by setting the time template to 24 hours, the pivot points would not be able to be accurately calculated since we need to use market information ONLY from RTH.

                        Have you confirmed that the pivots are exactly as they should be when setting the timeframe to 24 hours?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by PJVex
                          I have not studied the EFS so I am not sure as to the formula for the pivot points. However, I would think that by setting the time template to 24 hours, the pivot points would not be able to be accurately calculated since we need to use market information ONLY from RTH.

                          Have you confirmed that the pivots are exactly as they should be when setting the timeframe to 24 hours?
                          I agree. By setting the time template to 24hrs and making the script so... it would not longer be "Floor" pivots we're looking at but some 24hr session pivots instead, I think.

                          I will be eagerly awaiting dloomis' updates! Many thanks in advance!


                          • #14
                            I have not studied the pivots enough to verify what data is being used.
                            But since the HOD/LOD lines are locked in to a designated start time,
                            I would think that the pivots are also.
                            ( since there are no editing parameters for these )

                            What this means is , the wrinkles still need to be ironed out.
                            I too eagerly await the updates !

                            good luck!

                            Last edited by ginofd; 03-11-2004, 05:46 AM.


                            • #15
                              PJVex and others...

                              Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the "sTime" and "eTime" can be edited to adjust the EFS to reflect a different Time Zone than EST. Just go to Chart Options, Edit Studies, choose "Woodie's CCI Club Chart w Pivots" from the Study drop down menu, and make the adjustments to match the RTH in your time zone. (Be sure to also adjust your Time Template to reflect the same hours.)
                              Attached Files
                              Jay F.
                              Product Manager
                              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

