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  • Matt:

    I just put a new version in the File Share. I added 2 new variables near the top of the script that will allow you to adjust where the pivot lines end and where the label begins.


    I will see what I can do about adding that feature. No promises, though.



    • wow, that was quick!



      • 2 new user-requested scripts added. Both calculate the average range traded between a user-defined start and end times. Average is based on user-defined number of lookback days. First plots the value in a study pane. Second plots the value as bands above/below the current day's opening price. Intraday charts only.


        Both in Specialty Scripts group in Miscellaneous folder:



        • Hi Chris,

          any news on the tick chart volume profile ?




          • ckryza.

            Firstly, many thx for your scripts.
            Re: Pivot Console. I have tried to change the style of the pivot lines from solid to dashed or dotted by changing the script on lines 679.699.and 706 etc from SOLID to DASH and DOT.

            However the the lines remain solid on the chart.

            appreciate your help

            kind regards



            • swan

              those look like the right lines to edit

              did you save the changes and reload the efs file?


              • Hi Matt:

                Sorry but no, not yet. I've been away on vacation and am trying to get caught up in my programming. Will try to delve into it over the next week or so.


                I actually have the same problem on my end in that when I use the drawLineAbsolute/Relative() functions, I can only draw solid lines regardless of the line-type flag I pass to the function. However, when I use 'return' to pass values back to the advanced chart to be drawn, I can set those lines to be solid, dashed or dotted and it works correctly. I know that only some eSignal users experience this problem and it may have something to do with video drivers or something like that. Perhaps someone at eSignal can shed some light on this problem.



                • Return?

                  How or where do u place or what is this "return" in the efs file.... I had the same problem and want to fix it.. thanks.


                  • No rush Chris,

                    I just miss the volume profile on my tick charts.

                    Hope you had some fun traveling.



                    • dloomis.
                      thx for reply.
                      yes to save and yes to reload.

                      thx also for the speedy reply. Seems there is an issue.
                      As with StockStalker, I too do not understand the reference to "return". My appologies but I'm not that clever with this efs script writting (somewhat hopeless in fact, and not for the want of trying)

                      Is this "return" something i can add to the script..?

                      May I also ask if it is possible to re-position the text that appears above the pivote lines (esp the D and V lines).
                      I have managed to reduce the size of the text as it appears on the chart, but it still obscures the price bars somewhat.

                      Ideally it would be good to have them offset somehow similar to the position of the Monthly pivot lines.

                      Much appreciated

                      kind Regards


                      • Swan/StockStalker:

                        Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse the issue. The 'return' of a value or values is used in many scripts to plot value(s) on a chart.... such as a moving average or an indicator, etc. Scripts such as the PivotConsole script (and many others that I have written) do not use 'return' but instead use the drawLineAbsolute() and drawLineRelative() EFS functions to draw lines from one specific point to another specific point. These particular scripts cannot be implemented using 'return' but instead must use the drawLine() functions.... so using 'return' is not a solution in these cases. My earlier comment was merely an observation that dotted lines do show up on my system when I run a script that uses the setPlotType()/return() combination but I cannot make dotted lines appear when using a drawLine() function along with the PS_DOT flag (same holds true for dashes).

                        In any event, Jason from eSignal has since contacted me regarding this issue and I have forwarded an example script along with some screenshots. Hopefully a solution will be found.



                        • ckryza

                          No need to appologise, my thx to you for taking the time to explain and for contributing the many efs here.

                          I look forward to Jason @ esignal finding a solution.

                          Many thx and kind regards

                          Last edited by swan; 09-02-2003, 04:33 PM.


                          • Buffy's 2X-BLine Setup

                            I'm looking for one or two eSignal users who are very familiar with Buffy's 2X-BLine system on DaCharts to help me test an eSignal version of same. If you are interested, just send me an email at [email protected]. Thanks.



                            • Chris

                              Here two pics of an irregular G222 Bullish


                              Up here is a new one that is going to be formed . Will see...

                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                              • I'm having some trouble loading the VolumeProfile1(v2.50) script for ES #F. When I set frLookbackDays to 2, everything works fine, but anything greater than 2 results in error msgs. I have set time templates to load 20 days, so that shouldn't be the issue. I thought maybe the Labor Day holiday hrs were to blame, however, I tried loading data from 9/2 forward and still had same trouble. Running ESig 7.4 (bld608). Thanks for sharing the great scripts!

