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Advanced Get for Daytrading

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  • #46

    Thank you for your post

    I sincerly hope will be one of many to come.

    We all will really appreciate them.


    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • #47
      Excellent example Andy Bushak!

      Excellent, Andy!!

      I too thank you Andy...

      It is a great pleasure to call you a friend and coworker.

      You always have great insights to offer!

      Thanks for this post,

      your little buddy
      down the hall. -marc


      • #48
        XTL setting intraday question

        [i]Subject: XTL Period setting-- Marc, I have noticed that most of the examples used with XTL trading is mostly daily's or greater. I trade only the QQQ's on a 1,4,8, and 13 min charts.
        The XTL mostly is always black and once in a great while could I ever get a continuation trade. Is there a optimized setting that you would recommend for the XTL on shorter time periods. Thanks for your time .... S.P.[/B]
        The only optimization routine would be your manual experimentation, changing of the default setting. I wrote some stuff how I do it in the intraday post thread under AGET BBS forum. You may want to scroll through them for some specific idea examples.

        Another idea is do a 'search' while in this thread. They 'XTL' and see if any previous posts add XTL insights. I am pretty sure we have answered those kinds of questions. I am going to try and organize some of these previous discussions soon.

        To answer your question, one thing I do is set the value to as high as 200 if trying to stay with a very short term setup that ends up trending that day.. If I want a quicker signal confirmation i will lower the setting to as low as 7 and it changes quicker.

        I still would highly recommending using the benchmark no matter what.

        One thing I might do since i use a two monitor layout is creat one chart with standard settings and another with deviation settings... is kind of like a cross referencing type idea, but it keeps my mind more clear that way. And I might also have other higher time frames setup to help me keep visual perspective of the various sequences in progress.

        I haven't posted anything in this thread lately, but if you scroll back into the earlier posts it might help you with some real examples to check out. Let me know if this helps, or we can continue this question with more ideas as soon as time permits.

        - Marc


        • #49
          Go to this link (click here) to see more details posted earlier... here is a quick look at a 5 minute trade setup idea, TJ's Web's are the focal tool used....
          Attached Files

