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XTL Mystery Question on Argentina stock

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  • #46
    BTW, we are actively planning on adding global content during 2004. Argentina as well as other South American exchanges are to be included. While dates have not been finalized, check back quarterly for updates. Also we are seeking feedback on markets to see what everyone out there would like to have.


    • #47
      merval and data

      i was writing a response and a power cut surprised me.

      the chart appears to go on and on, today the index survived the fall of one of its biggest stocks, with positive volume.

      ANd that stock i got a tip from someone that never goes wrong that its suppose to go up from now on, but i still see that will go down (the ticker in the database i sent is ACIN , company name acindar)

      as for the data, the dynamics of the local market are a little different, as a matter of fact on my condition of partner i own a little piece of the exchange, so i can give you some pointers on the issue


      • #48
        Are the components for MerVal these stocks: Acindar, Aluar, Atanor, Macro Bansud, Comer Del Plata, Frances, Gp Fin Galicia , Indupa, Molinos, Petrobras, Siemens, Telecom, Tenaris, Tan Gas Del Sur?

        You say Acindar was down? Was Molinos being weak any affect on index? What do they do? Trying to go get a better feel for this index.

        What is the name, symbol for Argentina's top airline? Just curious, want to take a look?

        I noticed Renault looked good in your data. Is that the French car maker? Remind me to tell you about our taxi ride sometime....

        Take care, have a great weekend, will get back as soon as possible.


        • #49
          merval composition

          merval is composed by: Acindar, ALuar, Atanor,Bansud,Comercial del Plata,Siderar,Banco Frances,Grupo financiero Galicia,Indupa,MOlinos, pertrobras argentina,telecom transportadora de gas del sur and tenaris

          the stocks that really affect the index are acindar, petrobras and galicia, they are responsible for so much of the index that the other need a big move to compensate or drove the index in any direction

          The index its made every 3 months taking the volume of each stock on that period, and has complex calcualtions, every 3 moenths the merval index its considered as sold and a new teoretical portfolio its created, along the life of the portfolio de volume of each day also alters the ponderation, so in a given day the importance switches, for example acindar was until recently the most important and now its the 3rd

          it has several inconsistences such as the presence of atanor, since it was only included since the biggest stock holder rescue teh stock, so the increase of volume made it into the merval and almost doesnt trade, for example today the 1 trade made wasnt enought to set a price for the day and thuursday didnt trade. ANother issue its the presence of comercial del plata its low value its used to compensate big moves, when merval its in danger ,some toime ago the big players increased the value 20 %

          the merval index has some problems and we discovered what n analist should do, sadly i cannottell you in the open, as far as we know only my friend and i know the issue. And if it gets on the open the big player wont do it anymore and will get blinded

          Molinos doesnt affect the merval much

          the airlines have no stock

          the stock reno its the local branch of the french renault, it had a great chart and i bought some but im out of it since it weak and got out of the merval recently

          the rules of the local market are different, inside information is valid and the market ITS mnipulated, but if you know the rules, you know how to play

          the acin tip, forget it, i ve got intel from the vp himself, he just signed this afternoon a note that can make a major crash on monday depends on how its taken, add that to the fact that when USA doesnt trade the local market goes into sleep

          But the behavior of the adrs on friday was very bullish, so the mixed signals are difficult to match, ill be studyiing all weekend trying to figure them out

          I dont want to get too off topic, just warn me if im doing it

          BY the way, one of this days i must tell you about failing ad get ellipses on the local market


          • #50
            binder, here is a very quick update, a more aggressive look only for BBV....



            • #51

              This is just a very aggressive update wanted to do for you....


