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ES M0 market depth issues

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  • ES M0 market depth issues

    Whats the deal with getting market depth info on the trade manager?

    Sometimes is works and sometimes it doesnt.

    It is very unreliable and is an add on service.

    I have call up about this several times and have been told on one occasion that I needed to reinstall esignal, and that did solve the problem at the time.

    But when I rang up two weeks ago I was told that it was because I was looking at an expired contract, which I wasnt.

    Anyway I am not looking at an expried contract now.

    Whats going on?

  • #2

    after reinstalling this morning I now have market depth on the ES M0 contract.

    Will have have to do this every time?


    • #3
      I'm not sure what the issues is that you're running into is but you shouldn't have to reinstall eSignal when the data is not coming into the Trade Manager.

      Couple of thing to look at are;

      Are you using the eSignal data or Broker Data?

      Correct Symbol Mapping between eSignal and the brokers symbol.

      Are there any messages being displayed in the TM window? (i.e. waiting for data or non tradable symbol)


      • #4

        Its Esignal data.
        I have the correct symbol map.
        Im currently using esginal papertrading.
        No messages in TM window.

        The funny thing is that it would show market depth for both:

        ES 1! and ES #F

        It happened before, around the last time the contracts rolled over.


        • #5

          Its Esignal data.
          I have the correct symbol map.
          Im currently using esginal papertrading.
          No messages in TM window.

          The funny thing is that it would show market depth for both:

          ES 1! and ES #F

          It happened before, around the last time the contracts rolled over.


          • #6
            As continuous contracts you should always get data on those two symbols.

            I can't say that I've never seen where data just doesn't come in. But usually changing the symbol will kick start the process. I would recommend if this happens again that you try entering different symbols or maybe even a different TM window.

            I'd be interested to see if at the next roll it happens again.
            I'll try testing some other symbols should have or are ready to roll and see if I can duplicate the issue.


            • #7

              Its happening again.

              Right now I have no market depth on the trade manager for the symbol ES M0.

              This is what I do have:

              Trade Manager:
              ES M0 - bid and offer
              ES 1! - full market depth
              ES #F - full market depth

              Market depth window:
              ES M0 - full market depth
              ES 1! - full market depth
              ES #F - full market depth



              • #8
                If you're getting the data in other windows but on this the Trade Manager the most likely cause it a bad symbol.

                I saw this once before when a user has inadvertently added an extra space in the symbol ES M0, I don't know if you have any symbol in the Snapshot Quote Bar. If so you'll need to remove the symbol by right click on the window and Edit Symbol list, the go in to the Trade--> eSignal Paper Trading and reset all.

                That's the only think that I can think that would prevent the TM from working correctly.

                If this continues we may need to contact you to do possible remote in and check for other issues.


                • #9
                  I have symbol link on the following windows.

                  Quote window,
                  2 grapth
                  market depth
                  trade manager
                  time and sales.

                  I have retyped the symbol and still have the same problem.


                  • #10
                    Just logged on and market depth is back again.

                    This is really becoming tedious.


                    • #11
                      now I have no market depth.


                      • #12
                        now I do.


                        • #13
                          Please call into Tech Support directly so we can see what's going on.



                          • #14
                            any updates on when this issue will be fixed?


                            • #15

                              After several test on different version of eSignal and Windows version this appears to be an anomaly with Windows Vista and only Vista.

                              If eSignal is opened with the Trade Manager as part of the Page/Layout the symbol currently in the Trade Manager would not display all the contracts at the different price points. But if the symbol is switched to ES #F it displays correctly. The same result would be if you started with ES #F and switched to ES M0.

                              The workaround that I found works until we get a better solution is to not have a Trade Manager Window saved as part of the Page/Layout. B but rather open a new Trade Manager window after eSignal has been opened.

                              We apologize for the inconvenience and I'll follow up with our Product Managers to see what that status is.

