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"Boxing Day" Issue (formally "Historical Data Problem")

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  • #31
    Hi Vegasoul,

    The reason that it was o.k. yesterday and not today is due to the fact that some servers has the fix applied while others don't. You got connected to one yesterday that did, but today, connected to one that doesn't yet have the fix.

    Fixes such as this that have little time for testing are rolled out slowly across the server farm in part to see if it works. As we monitor the fix on the applied servers and see that it's working, we continue to roll it out on more till all have it. In the coarse of this roll out, we did discovered another problem occurring with the fix and thus we had to stop the roll out of the fix for further investigation. Check this link for more information and updates.



    • #32
      thanks for the update

      does that mean NONE of the servers have the update now?

      What is the timeline for the final fix?


      • #33
        Did this problem not occur last year for non-us data over a US holiday?

        Basically if you trade non-us markets/exchanges on eSignal you get sh5fted on a periodic basis.

        Could you not fix it on one server and tell us how to manually connect to the one server 'on-the-farm' that is working?

        I have just given up on the Dax and Estoxx (like last year).
        Do we get a rebate on our data fees?



        • #34
          Hi macavity,

          I don't recall if the same problem occurred last year or not but I do know we've had holiday glitches in the past, impacting both US and European markets.

          In this particular incident, we made the fix and rolled it on several servers. We then discovered we had inadvertantly created a new problem so we pulled the changes back. Our Engineers are diligently working on the problem and should be able to provide a new ETA by today or tomorrow. Once we have a new fix, we'll begin the roll-out, which usually takes 3-5 days.

          Looking down the road, we've already begun to redesign the server that supplies users with intraday tick and interval data. While the current design has been modified dozens of times over the years, it's basically about a 6 year old system and needs an overhaul. Once the new design is in place and operational, we're confident we will alleviate these sorts of problems from occurring. ETA on the new design is Q2/Q3 of 2004.



          • #35
            Looks like changes got rolled back as I see this problem again with symbols on Eurex, Simex and Hang Seng.

            Funny the big Hang Seng suffers this problems while the mini Hang Seng does not!


            • #36
              Please see this announcement for updated information. Basically, just a few servers have the "boxing day fix" while most do not. The servers with this "fix" are exhibiting other problems and that's why that version has not been copied to all the other servers.

              Thanks for your continued patience as we iron out these issues.

