Today, at 9:26 the Error report window popped up. I sent a it, and then eSignal 10.6 closed. 11 was running and continued to.
I lost all my setup, pivots, trends etc I had set up for the open. Lots of blue air from my trading room.
At 9:32, eSignal 10.6 closed (after going gray with "not responding") NO ERROR BOX AT ALL. I then rebooted my computer.
I restared eSignal 10.6 and DID NOT START 11. So far, at 10:45 it is still running.
It goes without saying that this is unexceptable . One can not day trade without COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN HIS SOFTWARE.
NOTE; I also run Market Delta (on the eSignal data feed) and Schwab's StreetSmart Pro. This has been normal for me for over a year so there should not be any interference.
I lost all my setup, pivots, trends etc I had set up for the open. Lots of blue air from my trading room.
At 9:32, eSignal 10.6 closed (after going gray with "not responding") NO ERROR BOX AT ALL. I then rebooted my computer.
I restared eSignal 10.6 and DID NOT START 11. So far, at 10:45 it is still running.
It goes without saying that this is unexceptable . One can not day trade without COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN HIS SOFTWARE.
NOTE; I also run Market Delta (on the eSignal data feed) and Schwab's StreetSmart Pro. This has been normal for me for over a year so there should not be any interference.